Final Paper

by wcheung ~ November 30th, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

I am interested in exploring the relationships that are formed during war between soldiers – is there really a brotherhood that is born amidst all the atrocities, the gruesome killings, and chaos?  How does an individual change in terms of his need for companionship as a war progresses?  It seems like different stages of war produce different effects and challenges on one’s psychological health and thus, creating different types of relationships in the military.  And so, I am very tempted to write about different wars – for each one has its own dynamics that ultimately spark dissimilarities (as well as similarities) in the relationships of war.  For my final paper, my primary source will be Jarhead and the Korean film “Tae Guk Gi” which literally translates to the Korean flag.  Tae Guk Gi is about the civilian and the war front struggle in South Korea in 1950 when North Korea invaded them.  I feel that these two movies explore different dimensions of war and the unity or lack of is very interestingly displayed.  I might also derive supporting references from Paths of Glory but that will have to depend on the direction of this paper as I actually write it.   It might be a bad venture to write on so many different wars.

Bibliography in the Making

“Bending the Rules: Morality in the Modern World from Relationships to Politics and War”

Uneke, Okori A.; Uneke, Okori A.

International Social Science Review (0278-2308)

1/1/2009. Vol.84,Iss.1/2;p.90-92

“Relationship of War Zone Coping Strategies to Long Term General Life Adjustment Among Vietnam Veterans: Combat Exposure as a Moderate Variable”

Suvak, Michael K.; Vogt, Dawne S.; Savarese, Vincent W.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (0146-1672)
July 2002. Vol.28,Iss.7;p.974-85

1 Response to Final Paper

  1. Simona

    The bonds that form between soldiers during war are really interesting, but I’m not sure how this would work as a paper topic. I think the biggest problem is that it’s a bit of a broad subject, but also it seems like it would be a challenge to fully explore this, especially with two films as your primary sources. I’m not sure what else you’re interested in so I can’t exactly tell you what to write about, but whatever you do end up writing about should be more specific.