Wake up; Dress up; School; Work; Sleep: Repeat

For my transition in Baruch, it was surprisingly not too bad. Amidst through all the college scary stories all my high school teachers told me, my first semester was pretty good. This is thanks mainly to the Block schedule I chose. Thanks to it being a monday-friday having a consistent time schedule, it made the transition seamlessly, integrating me to the school with a high school-like schedule for the first semester. The disparity between the educational difficulties between high school and college isn’t too great either. I guess the hardest part to get used to is self studying and the classes in the lecture hall. Being in a room of more than 100 students, it’s hard getting used to not have your professor personally be able to talk to you and help you in your troubles. It is encouraging self studying which I personally am not used to before as I had no trouble passing in high school. The routine of waking up and getting used to commuting to the city also took some time to get used to. The first three months of college really did fly by though thanks to the Fusion student organization of this school. Being Filipino, the club also made the transitions easier as well. Meeting fellow students with similar interests and cultural backgrounds, I fitted in really well. Going to their school events and even other school events that other clubs hosted made my college experience my college experience more whole. Some of the events include the Price of Life event, the Fear Factor, The Moon Festival, and even other very enjoyable events.

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