Narrative of Metacognition


In the Essay “ What is Intelligence, Anyway” Isaac Asimov makes a point that there is no one way to define intelligence because everyone has their own strengths and no single test can classify intelligence. He emphasizes that intelligence is context-dependent and that different people excel in different areas. This idea I agree with and I believe intelligence revolves around a combination of various cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, creativity, adaptability, and the capacity to learn from experience. Different people are intelligent in different areas depending on their strengths, interests, and talents. Some of my strengths are the ability to communicate, problem-solve, and be organized. My talents include playing volleyball, working out, and cooking. Some of the things I'm interested in are baking, learning about finance, and reading.

Through the multiple intelligence survey, I was asked questions that I really had to put some thought behind when answering, and the results were very interesting to see. My top intelligence types had been Bodily/Kinesthetic, Logic/Mathematical, and Intrapersonal. These intelligences describe me very well for the first one I am an athlete and a lot of how I solve problems relates to that. I’m also very mentally aware of myself and my life which fits the Intrapersonal intelligence and this is why I believe I have good problem-solving skills. Lastly, there is logical and mathematical intelligence which I believe I use a lot because I’m a numbers person and I like it when everything is laid out in front of me in a distinct way.

2 thoughts on “Narrative of Metacognition

  1. I agree with you that different people are intelligent in different areas and that intelligence is a combination of multiple different aspects and abilities instead of something generalized.

  2. Intelligence definitely is a context to how you want to interpret it because everyone is good at different things. I found it interesting that you took your time with the results of the test, when I was taking it, I tried to answer with my first instinct to see my subconscious results without putting too much thought behind them. Now I’m wondering if I retake it and take my time with the answers will it significantly change the results.

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