Interview Questions

“If you were to write a book, what would it be about?”

The book I would consider writing would be some fictional text about my extended family internationally. Each member of my family would be a side character and the main protagonist(myself) embarks on a journey of cultural diffusion. I haven’t fully disclosed the title of the book yet since it hasn’t been official. More to the plot-after visiting each family tree; the protagonists discover the true essence of family links around the world and how everyone is related to one another.

I had the courtesy of interviewing Cristofer and the question I asked him was “What is the hardest thing for you to do?”

His response was in conjunction with AP Literature; He found reading literature such as Shakespeare or just old English texts to be a challenge and honestly quite boring since he struggled to know what the author was trying to convey.

I could relate to Christofer’s confusion when it came to Shakespeare; during my senior year, we were assigned to read Sonnets(Poems) and plays from Shakespeare. During group work my peers and I would have to use dictionaries and context clues to decode the text in order to understand it line by line. In hindsight, Shakespeare was definitely a conundrum for us both.

2 thoughts on “Interview Questions

  1. Can’t wait to for the potential release of this book, sounds interesting, the protagonist getting to know how interconnected humanity really is with a lot of cultures in the world. That said, how will you be determining what a culture is in your book since it can be hard to define; can be defined on how people live their lives or the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Would be interesting how you’ll tackle that.

    Yeah, Shakespeare was a pain.

  2. I really like how you insert yourself and your family dynamic into the story, makes the writing experience all the more personal and impactful. And I agree with you on the Shakespeare thing, feel like I’m solving a puzzle every time I read something of Shakespeare. Can’t wait to see where you go with this story.

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