Interview Question

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Hi, my name is Karina, I was born and raised in Brooklyn by my immigrant parents who moved here from Russia and Israel. If I had to choose out of all the superpowers, I would choose teleportation. I am a very punctual person and hate being late. I try to be on time, if not a little early to take away the stress of feeling rushed. I also love to travel so it would give me more opportunities to visit new places without spending hours on a plane and getting jet lag. Additionally, there are no boundaries as to where in the world, and when you can teleport to.

5 thoughts on “Interview Question

  1. Hey Katrina my fellow Brooklyn native. Honestly we live in the best borough. Being early is being on time is what I say. Teleportation would be the best superpower. You could literally go anywhere you want for free.

  2. Teleportation is definitely one of the best superpowers to choose from. I’m late a lot and I don’t like it either, so teleportation would be super helpful. I would totally use it to travel too, it would save a lot of money and time. (I’m also from Brooklyn!)

  3. I would also want teleportation as my superpower. As someone lives quite far from the city, it would be great to travel quickly to places without the hours and hours of commuting.

  4. I definitely agree with your choice and reasoning. Flying to places is both expensive and takes a lot of time compared to teleportation that could get you somewhere instantly.

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