Narrative of Metacognition

Isaac Asimov’s essay started with him explaining how smart he was and his intelligence level with a tone of cockiness in his writing. He then goes on to explain that in other fields he isn’t actually a genius yet, society values his intelligence more than the intelligence of, for instance, an auto-repair man. He ends off with a story of him not being able to answer a simple common joke which he states made him feel ‘uneasy’. My definition of intelligence is a person who has an above-average amount of knowledge in every field of study/life. Assimov’s definition of intelligence is a person who is an expert in their respective field. My definition differs from Assimov’s in that I wouldn’t consider him a genius in that he isn’t educated or knowledgable in a lot of areas, as we see with the auto-repair shop story. He may be an educated person who is very knowledgeable in his field of academia, but he isn’t an all-around genius. My strengths include being an effective student/worker under pressure and being a good problem solver. My interests include playing/watching sports and watching podcasts. My talents include being a good debater.

My quiz results told me that I was mostly intrapersonal with a score of 88. Bodily/kinesthetic and visual/spatial followed by 81 and 78 respectively. I feel that the results are pretty accurate for me. I think my intelligence types compare with my strengths, interests, and talents pretty smoothly. My intrapersonal type matches with my talent and interest in watching podcasts and being a good debater confident in what I’m arguing. My bodily/kinesthetic skills don’t necessarily match very well, but my visual/spatial type matches my interests in playing and watching sports.

One thought on “Narrative of Metacognition

  1. Hey Jospeh, I think being a good debater is a great quality/talent to have because public speaking can be hard sometimes but is essential since it allows us to share our opinions. I also enjoy watching podcasts.

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