Narrative of Metacognition

This text focuses on how intelligence can not only be defined by how academically smart you are. Intelligence can have many definitions. For instance, somebody like a repair man who has the ability to fix a car or somebody who is farmer who grows plants and takes care of animals are smart. You might ask yourself “How?” and it is because they have talents that some people don’t have. Even if they can’t score good on a test. These different components of abilities that someone has, makes you question what is intelligence, anyway. My definition of intelligence is how academically smart or open minded somebody is which can be broken apart into arts, academic learning, and talents. Asimov’s definition about intelligence is that functional society have multiple types of intelligence. This is very alike to the definition that me and Asimov have for intelligence. In which, describes how in societies some people might be judgmental about what is smartness but that might not be the case. My academic strengths is comprehension of texts or a person point of view. A talent that I have is the ability to care about people and even though that person might not be deserving of my kindness, I still do. Also I am very open minded when in comes to art like why the artist might have painted this or what’s the deeper meaning that the artists was trying to portray in their artwork.

My multiple choice intelligence results is Interpersonal with a score of 80%, bodily/kinesthetic with a score of 75%, and logical/ mathematical with 69%. Interpersonal was ranked #1 for me and it says that I can understand the feelings and motivations a person might have. This type of skill is mostly similar with teachers, psychologist, and salespeople. This strength is better to be used in careers like teaching, counseling, marketing, and project management. The second rank is bodily/kinesthetic because it’s using all or part of my body to solve problems and athletes, surgeons, dancers, and craftspeople have similarity of this intelligence. Then, last but not least, logical/ mathematical is using numbers effectively and appreciate differences in relationships. Many scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers have this intelligence. I feel like the results are accurate because it sounds like me. I believe I am a helpful person and the funny part is that I am going to be doing something similar to the field of management. My intelligence types compares to my strengths as comprehension because is connected to interpersonal when I understand the feeling that a person might have. Then with talents relates a lot with interpersonal intelligence which is caring for people.

2 thoughts on “Narrative of Metacognition

  1. I agree that intelligence is how one can be open minded in different areas like learning, talents, and interests. Everyone is unique in their own way, and know more about one subject than the other, and it doesn’t have to be related to academic, it could be anything.

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