Interview Questions

If I were to have one superpower what would it be? 

Trying to choose only one superpower is like trying to choose which goal you actually want to accomplish. There are so many to pick from that you just aren’t sure which one would make you the happiest. If I chose only one superpower I would constantly be thinking about the power I didn’t choose, questioning if i made the right decision. I don’t consider my dream superpower to be extremely common but it’s definitely unique. If I could have only one superpower it would be the power to grant wishes.

With my superpower I would be able to live my life to fullest along with those whose wishes I grant. There are often times, when one is in a difficult situation hoping for a way to get past their obstacles. I would be able to grant them their wish, solving their problem and easing their stress. Other times, one just wishes for a better living situation or for the weather to change, my wishes can range from desiring a burger for lunch to even winning the lottery. The tiniest of wishes can truly impact a person’s day, behavior, mood, and life. Besides, who wouldn’t want to have their deepest desires granted? Personally, using my gift I would wish to retire my parents and to give them the home of their dreams. I would also wish for my sister’s happiness, for her schooling to be paid fully and for her to live a beautiful life. For myself, I would wish to be able to experience life without any worries. To be able to explore new areas, meet new people, and obviously to be extremely wealthy. Everyday, I would make a tiny wish that could improve my day one by one. 

3 thoughts on “Interview Questions

  1. Marina that would be such an amazing superpower. It is very unique and very selfless of you. I just hope if you do get that superpower you help me out too. You seem like a cool person. I hope to get to know you better!

  2. Marina that’s a really cool superpower. It’s quite strange that someone picks a superpower for something not selfish or overpowered to try to take over the world. If I could pick a superpower It would definitely teleportation.(I hate taking the train).

  3. Your choice is very admirable. Many people would choose a power that would benefit themselves, but you chose one that would help others. But I definitely understand your mental debate at the beginning on questioning your choice. I think I would question my own choice too!

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