7 day Code Switching Log – Kalila

Day 1 Monday – I found myself code switching online to my friends because it felt like I had more socizla freedom to talk to people online since they are not able yo see behind the screen and it makes it more fun that way too

Day 2 Tuesday- Today I code switched on my job application. I obliterated the self that was comfortable and relaxed and created someone who was pretentious and eager. Not too eager, but eager in a way that stands out from the crowd.

Day 3 Wed – I realized I code switched when writing from days 2s journal entry and it seemed dramatic cause I was coping through embarrassment.

Day 4 Thurs- Today I found myself code switching into a more masculine behavior while I was playing video games because I’m really competitive and i really don’t like losing so I would say things that reminded me of my older uncles since they were the only brotherly figures I had. But growing up I surrounded by them playing call of duty and yelling, i found myself doing the same

Day 5 Friday- Found myself code switching when talking to a park stranger and I wasn’t as talkative cause I thought it’d be impolite. I don’t agree with that now but I think was caught off guard being approached by dog owners who were fond of me walking my cat that morning. My way of speaking became super duper polite and not laid back as my personality normally is.

Day 6 SAT- Today I found myself using code switching when conversing with the bakery lady in my neighborhood. I switched from English to Spanish and this opened more of range personalities since it felt like I opened the Hispanic part of me that i closed in from the public.

Day 7 Sunday- I code switched over the phone talking to my grandma, this was me in Spanish again but also very sweet and giving soft blessing to one another.

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