CODE SWITCH- We Owe Women Of Color for the foods we Love

The article I selected was We Owe the Women of color For The Foods we Love to Eat. The podcast held of two viewpoints on the fusion culture, women, and food and how the American lens distorts the authenticity of dishes. I chose this article because as a food enthusiast I was curious to learn and understand why some women don’t receive the credibility they deserve and how Americanized these foods are now. According from one standpoint, Lizarraga found disheartening how white women who are chefs are getting more recognition, “But her fame became something that actual immigrant chefs had to exist in the shadow of. Lizarraga believes its all due to the fact that Western recipes are considered easier and convenient which explains why people lean more onto western foods meanwhile eastern foods like Indian foods are meant to be taken into deep consideration, discipline, care, and love. I find this to be true since now and days in a consumerist world we buy microwavable foods instead of taking the sacrifice to appreciate cultural foods. And that’s code switching with what we are consuming since people confine themselves into the lack of diversity.

The second standpoint came from a Hispanic woman Diaz, who was defining what authenticity meant to her. I believe she actually cherished the ways people can became innovative with cooking as long as the soul is detectable within the dosh its valid. And I actually really like this idea because likewise, foods have become evolutionary and its inevitable. The only way to fall more in love with foods is to admire all dishes that have the heart and soul tied to it because its what makes a dish abstract and delicious. I like to this that is a form of code switching introduced that is helpful to unlock mindfulness and care towards foods that seem like are viewed as tedious to make.