Code Switching Log

Day 1: I was on the bus going home when I saw an elderly man get on the bus, it was more crowded than usual and I think it’s because high school just started classes. I saw that the man was struggling when standing so I offered him my seat. I was being kind to the man, I understood that with his age it must have been hard standing. I was also getting off in a couple of stops anyway, my mood quickly changed though. At the next stop, a group of boys got on that were probably freshmen in high school and they started yelling and throwing a football to each other back and forth. I’m not sure if it’s considered code-switching but I became tense and obviously aggravated. 

Day 2: Today I realized that my personality or character changes when I’m around different people, not in a bad way. When I’m in precalc or another common class I tend to feel shy, or more quiet and share normal conversations with those around me typically only about school. However, when I’m in History class and around a certain friend, I feel more comfortable, I’m able to laugh and joke around with the person.

Day 3: I became more comfortable with those in my classes, I used my own humor and tried to get to know my classmates more. I’m starting to feel more comfortable with the people I share my schedule with.

Day 4: I went to a night fair market with my friend, as soon as we walked through the booths we could smell the festival food and hear the music playing. There was a certain part of the fair that was mainly Hispanic food, as soon as I got to that section I started talking to the booth workers in Spanish, although most seemed to speak English too. I wanted to make them feel comfortable, and I didn’t realize that I switched between languages until I sat down with my friend to eat.

Day 5: Today my friend introduced me to one of her friends, and at first our interactions were a bit awkward and the conversation became tense. Then, this restaurant we were at played a specific song that my friend and I liked, he also liked the song and we all started talking about what the song reminded us of. We both shared our interests and I realized he’s a nice person. 

Day 6: I went out with a friend and she wanted to tell me something in private, but we were surrounded by people. For people to not understand her, she started telling me what had happened in Spanish and we would switch in between languages.

Day 7: This morning I left with my younger sister, we walked in the same direction until I stopped to wait for the bus. She was telling me about her kickboxing tournament and I felt happy and would joke around with her. When she turned a corner and we said bye, my mood quickly changed. I was waiting for the bus when this person asked me a dumb question and you could tell by facial expression and response that I wasn’t in the mood. I think I just code-switched because I didn’t know the person and didn’t feel like having a conversation.