7-day code switching log

9/11-  I found myself code switching right after class. I was in the subway talking to my friend normally when someone randomly approached me asking for help. My tone became a little more serious. It was most likey the result of them being a complete stranger

9/12 – I was at home talking to my older sister normally as per usual. Then my baby sister passed by and I started making baby sounds and talking like a baby. It was so weird.

9/13 – I was on my way to work when someone who only spoke Spanish asked me some questions. I relaized that I was code switching when I spoke their specific dialect of spanish.

9/14 – When I was at work I realized I was code switching when I was talking to my manager. My tone was more formal and professional.

9/15 – I found myself code switching at a deli. I was talking with a friend normally but then when I went to go order a sandwich the tone of my voice got full and dark.

9/16 – I found myself code switching when I startews talking to a co-worker who I was more comfortable with rather then one I wasn’t that comfortable with

9/17 – I code switched when ordering food on the phone. I made my voice deeper and professional.