Analysis on A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Move 1

In A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith the main character, Francie talks about the small details in her life such as the process in picking out a candy, the various smells of her neighborhood, and her imagination for stories that she makes for people. Apart from this, she is aware of her family’s struggles. The important details would be the largest details. What shapes Francie’s life and how she is raised. Her family is poor, her parents struggle to provide for her and her brother, and that her father is an alcoholic. These situations are constantly present as Francie grows up but from a young age she accepts them and she uses them to understand that life has its struggles along with its beauty.

Move 2

Some words that repeat throughout the book are life, world, beautiful and occasionally drunk. Francie continuously sees the beauty in life with small details, such as admiring the walk of a total of 48 blocks to and from her new school, and describing a gold leaf, wondering if she would ever see something as beautiful as that leaf again. Francies father, Johnny, is an alcoholic and often her mother gets desperate, wondering if he will ever find a stable job and aid her in supporting the family. Despite her fathers issues and addiction, Francie still adores him. She is grateful for him and appreciates him. He has been there for her and despite his struggles she knows he is her caring father. Overall, Francie does not let these obstacles hinder her excited view on what the world gives her and can offer her.

Move 3

One anomaly that stands out early in the book is Francies mother, Katie, allowing her to dump out her cup of coffee. Becuase they cannot afford much, it is imagined that they would be very resourceful and making sure to not waste food. The reason that Francies mother allows her to do this is becuase it allows her children to have something to throw away. She means this in a way that most of the time people can afford to throw food away because they do not struggle, but through this Francie “…felt that even if she had less than anybody in Williamsburg, somehow she had more. She was richer because she had something to waste.” (Smith 12-13)

Move 4

The small details that Francie lives on such as seeing a flower for the first time, appreciating her neighborhood tree, a starry night and throwing away a cup of coffee, along with the major circumstances she was born into all add up to the value she has for life. She does not see a moment wasted and instead sees every chance to feel an emotion, an emotion that reminds her she is alive and is able to experience anything. Despite her not having much in terms of materialistic things, she does not take for granted what she does have; a mother, father, brother, bed, home, laughter and even sadness.

Move 5

Although the book focuses mainly on Francine, every other character in the book has their own story that can be related to and may even resemble one of our own. When I finished reading this book during summer last year, it left me wondering if life really could be seen through the lens as someone like Francie.

One thought on “Analysis on A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

  1. I thought it was interesting how Francie’s mom let her throw out the coffee to make her feel like she had something to waste. I liked how you included the quote after, to show what Francie felt.

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