Dracula and psychoanalytic theory

The movie Dracula is starts off by introducing a character named Jonathan Harker who is a lawyer/ estate agent who is on a trip to visit Count Dracula who wishes to move to London. Jonathan not knowing anything of Dracula is blind sighted of the fact that he is a vampire and continues on with wanting to get the transaction done by night. Though Dracula has other ideas and wants Mr. Harker to stay a little longer, since Mr. Harker can’t seem to refuse, he decides to linger a little longer. Although people have told him not to go there, he insisted on going, but is looking like he is having second thoughts on staying a while longer. long story short Jonathan’s life is only spared due to replacement of an infant.

As the movie continues to go on, we notice that the people of London fear Dracula due to the rumors that are spread about him in which they contain the ideas of him killing humans and not being able to die because he is already dead. this plays into the psychoanalytic theory of Dracula. In order to survive, he has to eat humans by sucking on their blood similar to how us humans survive by eating other animals. the difference between them is that eating another human would be considered murder and illegal when on the other hand killing animals is legal. this is what would make Dracula seem crazy since he is doing something illegal just to be able to survive. not only is it him but with 3 vampire wives who came along with him who also feed to humans in order to survive.

The psychoanalytic theory behind Dracula gives us an insight on the main reason why people fear the vampire most other than him feeding on people. He is man who is already dead, meaning he cannot be killed. we also notice in the film that he has the ability control people and have them do what they want. due to this, it makes it easier for Dracula and his wives to feed on more people including children. later on in the film it is known that Dracula’s wives feed on children. Dracula wishes to gain more vampire wives that will feed on more people including children and kill everyone. this shows the manic state that Dracula is in believing that it is okay to go around to an kill anyone in order to survive and continue living although the vampire is already dead.

The movie “Dracula” is an iconic movie and has remained popular for over 100 years in the horror scene. it has most likely remained popular due to it being one of the first horror films to be created and it being an original compared to all the other Dracula films that were made. the western industry is very immersed in the genre of horror and has continued to make more and more horror films. I think the culture’s preoccupation with horror is that people enjoy it so much and consider it be a form of entertainment which I dint get only because I’m not a big horror fan. would say fans of horror consider things such a supernatural beings, and honestly unrealistic creatures and beings to scary. people probably associate horror with entertainment because they feel it is a way to escape reality knowing that it is not something real, but something fake.

3 thoughts on “Dracula and psychoanalytic theory

  1. I agree that Dracula delves into the psychoanalytic theory of fear by showing how Dracula’s illegal actions for survival add to the horror and intrigue surrounding the character.

  2. I agree that psychoanalytic theory behind Dracula gives us a reasoning why people fear Dracula than him feeding on people because it hard to get rid of him when his powerful.

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