Field Analysis

This work of art is an Iris print created by Robert Weingarten in 1997. Robert Weingarten is a renowned American photographer and this piece is part of his collection Mist on St. Quirico II, Tuscany, Italy. There are a total of 33 copies, and this is the 14th print in the series. This piece depicts a house in the countryside of Tuscany. The dull colors and blue hue in the picture evokes a feeling of tranquility that is part of life in the countryside. The contrast between the blue mist, the grass, and the vivid house seems to represent the calmness of a morning and night, amidst the busy day everyone experiences, and how home is the haven and happiness of people. I think this piece was intended for people who romanticize the old-money lifestyle and the living-in-countryside-Italy aesthetic. The rise for the creation of this peace could possibly be that this house is Weingarten’s inspiration or his dream retirement place. I was attracted to this piece because of its dullness and for its European countryside look. There is not a lot of information online regarding the purpose of this piece, but I find the photograph very open to the viewer’s interpretation. 

One thought on “Field Analysis

  1. I love this photographer’s work and creative eye. I also analyzed one of Robert’s artworks, it was very calming and all of them seemed so simple yet beautiful. I loved your take on the picture that you belive its a possibility he might want to retire somewhere there.

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