Field Analysis

This work of art is named, La Guarida, it was created by Nancy Goldring in the year 2001. The photograph was located in the eighth floor of the Vertical Campus building. What made this piece interesting was the brightness captured within the photograph, the photo itself has somber tones but the light shining near the middle steals the attention. The main components of this piece are the depths and 3-D effects displayed, Goldring is known for sketching out her artworks, then layering her design with various photo slides, and projecting the final image. What seems to be repeated throughout the image are the shades of brown and bright projections. I believe that the image represents an important landmark to Cuban people, specifically Havana over the years. I wonder what the location meant to the people of Havana?

La Guardia symbolizes the refuge that over 50 families had in Havana, Cuba. The piece represents the Alamar Building, which was created to help with the housing shortages in Havana. I’ve previously seen photographs or paintings presenting “famous” areas from the Caribbean before, however, I’ve never seen a piece created the way Goldring designed ‘La Guardia’. In my opinion, this piece was meant to target the Hispanic audience, emphasizing the Cuban culture and history. Once, I learned about the piece I was able to appreciate the time put into the image. As I see it, Goldring created La Guardia to pay tribute to the meaningful agriculture in Cuba.  The arrangement of the piece is quite different, the main focus of the piece is maintained in the center, while the top shows small movements.

La Guardia, mainly relies on logos to convey its message. For instance, at first glance the image may be hard to understand, since it doesn’t show a clear image or scene. In order, to truly understand the photograph and Goldring’s intent one must do research to understand the piece’s background. Once the logic behind the art is found, the audience can begin to admire and understand its true meaning. I believe that if the audience is aware of the significance behind ‘La Guardia’, then the piece could appeal to them through pathos. Connecting to the audience’s emotions and feelings towards Havana’s Alamar Building. The piece makes me feel appreciative, I value art that pays respect to Hispanic landmarks or agriculture. Goldring’s design honors the Alamar Building, acknowledging Cuban history and it’s culture. 

One thought on “Field Analysis

  1. The breakdown of the painting was very helpful for me to understand the piece. I agree that Goldring did a good job appreciating the Cuban culture and heritage.

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