Analyzing, Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne

In 1980, English heavy metal vocalist, Ozzy Osbourne, released his debut album ‘Blizzard of Oz.’ Along with the album came a debut solo single, “Crazy Train.” Guitarist, Randy Rhoads and Bassist, Bob Daisley, ‘Crazy Train’ was a success within the heavy rock and metal genre of music. Aside from just being a rock/metal song, “Crazy Train“ has more to say, specifically on the world and how we interact with each other. 

Already 40 seconds into the song, Ozzy talks about the world being ‘crazy’ with “millions of people living as foes.” When considering this line, we see that what he’s saying is true as the world is in chaos with leaders disagreeing with each other, war being brought up countless times, racial differences, crime and so much more. Afterward, Ozzy suggests, how we can put our differences aside and “forget how to hate.” However, after suggesting this idea, Ozzy goes on and repeats “mental wounds not healing” or “mental wounds still screaming” throughout the rest of the song. The repetition of “mental wounds not healing” showcases a feeling of anxiousness or fear people have in this world and although putting our differences aside is a stepping stone to the right direction, unfortunately, that dream seems to be distant. It’s also worth noting that this song took place in the midst of the Cold War which may explain this lyric of the song:

 “Heirs of a cold warThat’s what we’ve become”

Overall, the song seems to talk about fear, anxiousness, paranoia, and chaos. It’s like Ozzy is trying to make us aware(which everybody int he world was in the Cold War era). That said, even though this song might’ve been reflecting the topics of the Cold War, it could very well be used in today’s climate. If there’s one thing people should do is to “forget how to hate.”

One thought on “Analyzing, Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne

  1. It’s very interesting how the song is a portrayal of the real world, and how even though he wants to “forget how to hate”, he says the mental wounds will always be there showing the difficulty of reality.

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