What Does Thanksgiving Mean?

Ah, yes, it’s that time again, where it gives off the idea of the fall season is really ending and the coming of winter. But at least it’s Thanksgiving, right? Anyway, I feel like Thanksgiving is a holiday that should not be overlooked, as it is still an important holiday for people to take off their time to enjoy. I feel very thankful, get it? Haha, sorry, but I do really feel happy about Thanksgiving, as it is a time where you really sit down and spend time with your family more. I feel super grateful for Thanksgiving, as it is still very nostalgic, even though it only happens once a year, but it still brings back all the food on the dinner table that would make you hungry and still go crazy for. I think that these articles really touch on this exact idea of a Thanksgiving experience, as it can be a disaster for some people having to spend time, a problem for some people because of the busy day during Thanksgiving, or the happiness of some people who get to enjoy the holiday, but it really comes down to this idea of being able to spend time with your family and disconnect yourself from any distraction. On the other hand, some people may relate the history to why Thanksgiving was even created and why we even take time to celebrate it. I can relate to this idea of sitting down with your family to eat in order to celebrate Thanksgiving and to learn about the history behind it as well. I think some other stories of Thanksgiving that are important to tell are the history behind it, as you can really date it back to one of the earliest Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies, an autumn harvest feast shared by Wampanoag Indians and English colonists from Plymouth. These stories really does appear anywhere in the Times archive as they are history that do completed the history background of Thanksgiving. 

I think Thanksgiving means to me this idea of family being able to come together at the dinner table to eat and be happy about Thanksgiving, as it is one of the times of year where you can fully understand that Thanksgiving really comes before the winter time, which really gives off this idea of gathering before the winter. I think it really means the same thing to my family and many other communities, as gathering up as one big whole family to enjoy a feast is really the sole purpose of Thanksgiving. I think the meaning of Thanksgiving has changed for me over time, as when I decided to learn more and more about the holiday, my views on it changed as I started to understand the purpose of it and, furthermore, the historical background of Thanksgiving. I want to preserve the idea of gathering up and feasting on Thanksgiving traditions throughout my life, as I think it is really the main reason why people even take time to celebrate Thanksgiving as a whole. I think Thanksgiving is perfect the way it is; therefore, there should be no change at all. AND ALSO! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

One thought on “What Does Thanksgiving Mean?

  1. For me I only use this holiday for the time off and as a sign that winter is almost here, but I can understand the importance of spending time with family and friends.

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