What Does Thanksgiving mean?

Thanksgiving is something me and my family celebrate to get together with other relatives over a delicious meal. The food is usually from our culture and it is uncommon for us to eat a turkey, although that is what many people imagine of when they think of Thanksgiving. The holiday makes me feel warm because I’m surrounded by my close family and favorite cousins. I think that the other articles are able to describe the different experiences people have with Thanksgiving. Not every family, culture or beliefs are the same and so every Thanksgiving experience is unique. The article I chose to read was “The First Thanksgiving” because I imagined my parents going through a similar experience as Mayada Anjari and her family when learning about the holidays traditions and history. I think stories of Thanksgiving that are just as important are those that are celebrated with the term “Friendsgiving.” It is a concept of Thanksgiving but instead it is a day filled with just ones friends that are considered family.

Thanksgiving to me means getting together with those you love and expressing that care you have for them through cooking and enjoying a meal together. I think this concept is very common throughout the world even if it is not defined or attached to the word Thanksgiving. The way I see Thanksgiving has not changed because in school I grew up listening to my teachers reminding me and my classmates to always give thanks for those we have in our lives; whether it be our friends, parents, cousins. I would like to continue the tradition of cooking food from my culture and being able to pass on the recipes that my mother learned from hers.

4 thoughts on “What Does Thanksgiving mean?

  1. I definitely would agree no matter how someone may celebrate tThanksgiving it is really about being with close friends and family and enjoying their company.

  2. I can relate, in my family we also eat foods related to our culture. I also believe Thanksgiving is about spending time with people you care about.

  3. I agree with you, many families celebrate Thanksgiving differently depending on their cultures which I feel like bring some diversity to the holiday. I love it.

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