MSP Field Analysis

I would guess that in total there are around 20 memorials around the park. If I had to categorize them I would say that most memorials in the park are to commemorate an individual person. The memorial that I chose to look at was the William H. Steward statue and this one was interesting because it depicts him on a very large scale, almost larger than life. The main component of the statue is Steward who is shown very large and he is sitting on a chair. Some similarities I see in the statue is the fact that it is made out of what seems to be the same material all throughout. This isn’t  really opposition but it is different because the statue is one that seems to be made of marble. I believe what is being implied is that Steward may have been someone of importance and therefore they made this large statue to keep his name alive. A question I am left with is who actually created the statue and who paid for it to be made and put there. 

This statue was created in 1876 by Randolph Rogers, Steward is said to be the first New Yorker to be given a monument in New York City. This monument very much reminds me of the Abraham Lincoln statue on Washington D.C. where he is sitting on a chair. It is interesting that they are similar because I have heard that the statue of Steward was made after Abraham Lincoln’s body with Steward’s head. I believe that the intended audience for this may be New Yorkers as a whole because it is depicting someone that is of importance to the city of New York so it may be used to show the great figures from the city. I would say that I am a part of the intended audience because I am a New Yorker however I’m not sure I really paid much attention to the statue when I walked by it. I think that the point of the monument may be to show that there have been important people that are from New York and to instill pride into New York. In terms of the composition an important aspect is the feather pen that Steward is holding, this is important because it evokes a certain message of him being educated and important. I would say that this statue mostly can be seen with aspects of ethos where it speaks to the New Yorkers as an audience. The memorial takes up a good amount of space and it is in the entrance of the park, however after observing it for a while I noticed that a lot of and probably most people walked by the statue not even paying attention to it. I’d say the statue itself does a good job commemorating Steward because it depicts him large and educated, however I think the fact that there are a lot of open area in front of it takes a lot of the attention off the statue. As a result a lot of people just dismiss it.

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