Memorial Memory

A monument that has really stuck to me since I saw it was when I went to Kosovo last summer and I saw the Memorial Complex of Adem Jashari. In order to really understand the memorial you need to know some context, basically there were many land conflict between Serbia and Kosovo  Kosovo was fighting for their independence and the Serbian army were attempting to enter Kosovo to take land, however Adem Jashari and his family were able to hold off the troops for several days, btu were then killed by them. This memorial is of his home which has not changed since the tragedy as well as the burial sites of all the family members that fought to keep the country of Kosovo safe. The part of the memorial that stayed with me the most was seeing his home which has not been changed since the attack. I was astonished by seeing the dozens of bullet holes in the walls and the damage from grenades being thrown inside. I think that fact that it stayed the same since that day is a part that made it very successful because it is not a subjective thing, and many people tend to be fascinated by history so the fact that it has not changed really makes people feel like they are there. Additionally the burial sites are very upfront and it’s very important to see the names of the people that fought for their freedom. I think being Albanian added to the fact that this really stuck with me so I think that a good monument should evoke some emotion that has to do with nationalism in order to be successful.

4 thoughts on “Memorial Memory

  1. I’ve never heard of this memorial before but it looks really interesting and I like that you described the back story for it. It’s really nice how they kept his house the same in memory of him and they want to preserve it.

  2. I like how you incorporated your personal description of the Memorial Complex of Adem Jashari in Kosovo and connected it to its historical significance and how it impacted you.

  3. I found this memorial very interesting especially when you stated that this monument is Jamari’s Unchanged home, which is powerful with bullet holes. I found this to be really cool and unique.

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