What does Thanksgiving mean?

I really like Thanksgiving and everything that comes with the holiday. I think it’s such a family holiday and it really brings everyone together. I also think there aren’t many guidelines for the holiday. You can eat whatever you want and make whatever you want there are no foods you aren’t supposed to eat during this holiday. It’s also a time when a lot of people bond in the kitchen and just do something non-controversial. You can talk about your meal and things you’re grateful for.

To me, I always feel really grateful during thanksgiving. I’m grateful for the people around me that surround me in my life but I’m also extremely grateful for the food I have and the meals my family is able to afford. Not everyone is able to have a home-cooked meal on this holiday or sit in a warm house with their loved ones and this holiday reminds me that I’m able to have that and I do have that. I love giving back during this time of year because it reminds me that other people may be struggling and don’t have the same blessings as me.

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