What does thanksgiving mean to me?

The article that most related to myself is “Turn your phone off for Thanksgiving” by David Leonhardt. The reason I saw this is because I feel as though Thanksgiving should be that one time that the outside world doesn’t matter, and that all that should matter are the people infront of you, the loved you get to spend time with and have the privilege to be thankful for. The article even mentions how once someone gets on their phone, they’re essentially locked in by the digital world, whether it’s instagram, Youtube, whatever it may be.

To me, Thanksgiving is ultimately about love. When your at the Thanksgiving table, eating, talking, what makes the moment ultimately enjoyable are the people around you. Whether it’s your partner, your friends, your family, without those people, it wouldn’t be the same. At the same time, its a moment to be Thankful to yourself, to where you are in life, that although we’ve all got a much longer journey ahead, Thanksgiving is the time you slow down and look back, and give yourself a pat on the back.

7 thoughts on “What does thanksgiving mean to me?

  1. I agree with you. The outside world should not matter that one day you get to spend with loved one and whatever posts people are looking at will still be there online the next day.

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