Civil War Memorial Proposal

Introduction: An overview of a Civil War memorial proposal honoring those lives who were lost. To allow those to remember the courage of soldiers who fought and died in the Civil War. And marking those important places where those heroic events happened. This should be on a national level, as the Civil War is what broke the country apart once and tore apart the meaning of freedom; therefore, it should be remembered as the war that defied the meaning of freedom and gave it a whole new meaning.

Definition of the Problem: To the many people who walk past different kinds of leaders who fought in the Civil War, they tend to not notice the reason or even remember the history of the person who fought in the Civil War. The problem is not knowing the importance of a Civil War memorial, or better yet, ignoring it and not knowing the history behind it. The problem with most memorials is that their history is often too old or overlooked, as they are always behind a bigger influence memorial, such as a presidential memorial, which most people would remember more than the general or the people who work behind the scenes day and night in helping fight in the Civil War. I think that Madison Square Park is perfect as it allows for attention to just be focused on this memorial, as it should just be a memorial of names of people who fought and lost, similar to the 9/11 memorial, as the date should be remembered for the Civil War. I think now is never too late, as people should really understand the importance of the Civil War and rather also remember those who fought in the war rather than give all the credit to, for example, the president who fought in the war. I think it just feels wrong to credit one person rather than so many people who actually fought in the war to defend this country from breaking apart.

Explanation of the Proposed Solution:  I believe that first off, the president should be a statue that can be placed in the middle of the memorial, like being protected by all his generals and leaders, and then, at last, a square foot giving enough space for water, along the sides, the names of every soldier, medic, and just about anyone who fought in the Civil War. I think this concept should be super similar to the 9/11 memorial, but instead of the middle of the memorial being empty, it should center on the most important person who fought and led all the other soldiers who lost their lives in the civil war. And giving off a massive light at the date when the civil war ended.  

ConclusionThe memorial should be remembered just as big as other memorial, and it should be something that should never be overlooked, as think to yourself. What would this nation be if we lost in the Civil War? REMEMBER that war is necessary for people to survive and move on.

4 thoughts on “Civil War Memorial Proposal

  1. Many innocent lives were lost during the civil war and I think it is very imp0rtant to memorialize it. Your explanation of the proposed solution suggest something very eye-catching which is great!

  2. I found this pretty interesting because there are a lot of civil war memorials, but often times they are controversial so one that really expresses the civil war in a good and memorable way is a good idea.

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