Ideal Wednesday

A windy Wednesday. This day was a gift. I have classes from 7 AM. Usually, I wake up late to make everything a rush. But today I got out of my home early at six. Grab breakfast and a leisurely walk to the 71st Ave. subway station. I love, love to walk. I love the dark blue sky. The air feels crispier. I love that. It was a kind of morning that had something melancholy about it. One that made me think, Oh, I should do this more often. The truth is, I do. I am outside, walking and thinking. The difference was this day felt much earlier. I feel like I could wait for another train to pass. Without thinking like, I have twenty minutes left to get to class! It feels like I had a bonus time to stand on the escalator or wait for an elevator. I could look around at all the other people getting to class, and it felt like I wasn’t even there. Partly because I’m not usually there then. This abnormal early day for me is something I can never really make routine. Because I am so bad at waking up early. But someday, I’ll rise when the sun is still far east, and able to wake up to my ideal Wednesday.

It’s 7 AM on Wednesday. I spoke to Karamjit, he is calm and quiet. I asked him what time he wakes up today, to which he replied, “I wake up at 5 AM.” These days, it’s admirable for one to rise that early to stay punctual. I live in Forest Hills but barely able to wake up by 6 AM. “Where do you live?” I asked. “In Queens,” he said. Not specific but it gives me a glimpse of his commute to Baruch. Knowing that, I ask if he had breakfast today, and he answered “Yes.” I usually skip breakfast; time seems to past quicker, especially in the early-morning. You blink, and there’s less time to spare for breakfast. Karamjit wears a turban; hence I ask where he comes from? “My parents is from India,” he responded. He is the first Indian I’ve met at Baruch—which I found quite interesting. I then ask him what his intended major is, and he said, “Finance.” But he doesn’t seem to know what his future career holds. That’s normal— not everyone knows certainly what they’re doing with their life yet. At least, he does feel certain about pursuing further education. As for his hobbies, he shared that he plays basketball and his favorite color is blue. Through this short interview, I find his responses to be clear-cut. He seemed to prefer others to initiate conversation. Perhaps that’s normal, especially during our first encounter.

One thought on “Ideal Wednesday

  1. Your ideal Wednesday was something I didn’t think would have as big of an effect on me as it did. I too am usually a late waker and suffer from rushed mornings. But the way you wrote about the one early morning you had, made you feel inspired me to want to try it out as well. I wanted to compliment the way you wrote your post. I think it was very well written and thought out.

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