Interview with Joseph and Faridun

Hello, my name is Erica Zhang and I’m from Brooklyn. I am majoring in accounting. One of the questions I responded to was “What are your earliest memories of your childhood?”. During my early years of childhood, I was sent to China and I was took care of by my grandma and aunt because my parents was occupied by their jobs. These amazing women were really important to me when I was a little kid. I don’t remember all the details very clearly because those memories are tucked away in the back of my brain. All I could recollect from that time was my faint image of my grandma while taking care of me. My early childhood experiences in China, guided by my grandmother’s loving presence, have contributed to the person I am today.

“True happiness is sustainable delight in beautiful moments in ordinary life” – Martha Becks

I have the opportunity to interview Joseph and Faridun, both of them shared the common passion of majoring in Finance. During my interview with them there is one question that they answered that left a deep impression on me. It was “Describe an ideal day”. They answered with waking up early, having a nice breakfast, doing some physical activity and chill. The answer was very simple, yet it resonated with me. This viewpoint reminds us that happiness isn’t always found in the unusual; it may also be found in the modest joys of a morning routine or the tranquillity of a serene day. It is of finding joy and contentment in these ordinary moments in life. In a world that often values constant hustle and excitement, their response was a refreshing perspective on finding happiness in the everyday.

2 thoughts on “Interview with Joseph and Faridun

  1. I relate to your experience with your grandparent because I had a similar experience in my childhood. My grandma took care of me as well when my parents were busy and I appreciate the memories I have with her.

  2. I loved how you took a simple answer and turned it into something bigger and more reflective of yourself. I strongly agree with your point on happiness. Given that in this chaotic world with constant hustle and excitement, we start to understand that it’s the little things that start to bring us happiness rather than the next big thing.

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