To Disc✿ver – Kalila Martinez

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-Plastic Love – Oddwin
01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50
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❁ If you didn’t know, my name is Kalila Martinez, but many of my family members call me Kalilita since Ecuadorians like to say Ita or Ito at the end of names to illustrate the pronunciation into something sweet. As you already read above, you can probably tell I’m Ecuadorian but I’m also… Mexican! Its funny because I love playing the Guess My Ethnicity game with new friends and they have the hardest time trying to figure out where I’m from, when its simply from those common countries. No, we are not going to ignore the cat sleeping above these words. That is my cat, Alikis. Pronounced, (Ah-Lee-keys), inspired by the Greek Hero, Achilles. They say Achilles was the most successful soldier in the Greek Army during the Trojan war, and I like to think Alikis was too. Funningly, Alikis actually combats the ghostly curtains in our home and chase paper balls like its the World cup. Nonetheless, I am a very infatuated with creativity and wisdom because I believe they’ve become an important aspect to my individual development and discovery. This infatuation plays out when I read books on philosophy and self improvement and the connection between creativity and the self. If I’m not reading, instead I’m watching educational videos on the most random things. I plan on carrying this knowledge eating brain with me in every part of the world. So this answers the question, If I could do whatever I wanted, I would definitely travel and share ideas with the worlds most brightest minds. ❁

⋆࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・Hindatu ⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:・⋆.ೃ࿔:

Before I could even say a word to the girl next to me, I immediately received good vibes from her. She held this calm and flowy energy and during the time of the interview questions I had already felt like she was someone you can easily be comfortable around. And just after discovering her name, I was surprised to how unique it was. Hindatu, she said, and honestly most unique names leave a long term impression on people and her name just did the right thing. It was sweet because within the first question asking What Kind Of Humor we Prefer, we had something in common, that is having the same sense of humor. She likes spontaneous, out of the blue, random and corny jokes and I think that answer alone gave me insight on her open nature. Plus, If She Could Do Whatever She Wanted she would travel all over the world and that was a definite bonus to discovering her persona as a open armed and down to earth girl. I know this well because she explained to me how despite her curiosity for the world she wouldn’t allow anyone to control her identity and rob her free will. Her sustainability and loyalty to herself adds security that she has built revolving around her. And I can say that I really respect that because not many people are confident enough to keep their guard up and know their self worth. As unique and beautiful as her name, she is definitely someone you wanna keep around.

4 thoughts on “To Disc✿ver – Kalila Martinez

  1. I agree with Hindatu and one of the things I would definitely like to do is travel all around the world because I would meet so many new people and visit all these new places, that I have never even heard of, and some that I only saw on TV. The first place I would go is to some island to swim with the sharks.

  2. I just want to say the way you formatted this post is so cute!! I had such a hard time figuring out how to use this site lol. I also totally get you and Hindatu. I love posts that are so random. They always leave me wheezing.

  3. Alikis appears incredibly adorable. The fact that you named your cat after Achilles highlights your creativity—it’s both clever and endearing! You seem very enthusiastic to acquire new knowledge and explore the world. Best of luck, and I hope you’ll carry your knowledge forward and share it with whomever you wish.

  4. I agree with Kalila, if I was able to do whatever I wanted, traveling would be at the very top of the list. I absolutely love how well she explained her background, it gives you a pretty good idea of her personality. I certainly hope you get the opportunity to travel all over the world and meet other people with open minds just like you!

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