Interview Questions With Evan

The interview question I asked Evan was, what is the hardest thing for you to do? His answer was: getting up in the morning because college just started and it is already getting stressful, getting up in the morning itself is already very hard but the fact that most college freshman have classes till 7pm and then they have to go home, eat, shower, help their family do homework makes it horrible. With all of this in mind, it is important to be able to manage your time effectively and balance school, work, and personal life so that one does not affect the other. By doing this getting up early in the morning would get easier, but it is still the hardest thing to do.

– My favorite superpower would be the ability to teleport. The ability to teleport is the best superpower because not only can you go wherever you want to go at any time but the opportunities it would create are incredible. First off I would be able to visit my family members that are in different countries and the ones I haven’t seen for a very long time. In addition, you would be able to help a lot of people, an oddly specific example would be if someone here in the US was very sick with a deadly disease that would kill the patient in 1 hour and the only way to help this person would be to find the only known cure from Tokyo, a teleporter would be able to teleport to Tokyo get the cure, come back and save the patient’s life… You get the point, the ability to teleport would be beneficial and could be used to help people.

9 thoughts on “Interview Questions With Evan

  1. i really appreciate your emphasis on teleportation, as it connects back to Evan’s answer about struggling with getting up in the morning. I understand since having to do anything and to get to places without a goodnights rest can be a hassle for anybody. Within a snap life would be easier if we could just teleport. But also, you’re right, life would be fulfilling if we could visit our loved ones in a heartbeat.

  2. I totally agree with Evan’s answer. We’re only freshmen and the work load for our classes is very different compared to high school. Some of us end class pretty late in the day and then we have to go home/our jobs and deal with whatever we have going on, go to bed, and pretty much repeat the day over again. it kind of takes a toll on some people which is why we need to remember to have a work life balance.

  3. I can totally relate to the teleportation power, it’s just the best power you could have. You’d literally never have to deal with being late to anything ever gain and you could always just teleport to the Bahamas every weekend, so that sounds like the best superpower ever.

  4. I can definitely relate to Evan in a sense of it being hard to balance school and personal life because of the time we end class on some days. However, I believe with a little bit of organization and time management we will get through it.

  5. I went with flying, a superpower that is similar to yours. I appreciate that you mentioned seeing family members abroad because that would be incredibly nice and allow you to reconnect with them after so many years.

  6. I relate to a degree to Evan due to the fact that we end our classes at 7pm making it very inconvenient when trying to balance different aspects of our lives. The habits and choices we make in college will play a big part in our future so if we can’t adjust to this new life of ours then way may end up getting left behind. Being diligent in the pursuit of our careers and learning how to balance our personal and social lives will greatly aid us as we transition into our adult lives.

  7. I like the reason why you chose teleportation as your favorite superpower. There seems to be an altruistic purpose behind it. You see it as something that can be used to help those in need, as well as to satisfy your own needs. It is indeed a versatile power, I would definitely use it to avoid waking up early and going through the subway heat.

  8. I understand what it’s like to have trouble getting up in the morning and figuring out how to manage your time. It can be stressful when you have work and school to think about. And since we just finished summer vacation, it’s been even harder to wake up in the morning.

  9. I agree with Evan because a college schedule is completely different than the one I had in high school and it definitely does take some getting used to. I also agree with the best superpower being teleportation because you can do so much in one day, and as you pointed out it would be significantly easier to help others!

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