Interview Questions

 Hello my name is Michelle Ramirez Huesca, my major is marketing management. A little fun fact about me is that I’m a sneakerhead. I’ve always loved shoes from an early age. I also live in Queens and attended Queens technical high school, which is a vocational high school. This basically means that they offer different shops which you can choose from and you receive a CTE endorsement stamp on your high school diploma. This stamp is to indicate that you’ve reached the requirements to receive your license/ Certification for that shop. During high school I was in cosmetology, where I learned to do chemical services like perms and relaxers as well as learned to cut and  dye hair,I even learned how to give regular and gel manicures. One of the interview questions was “ describe your perfect partner?”. Personally I don’t think a “perfect partner” exists. I believe there are many characteristics a person may have that makes you cherish them just a little more. If you really think about it, nobody is perfect. But just based on the actions a person may take, it can make them seem perfect in your eyes. I would describe my perfect partner as someone who is loving,caring, patient and gentle but also someone who is confident and proud of who they’re and knows their worth. A  person who listens and pays attention to important little details. But who also pushes you out of your comfort zone and makes you try new things. 

The perfect partner

The person i interviewed was Rachel, the first question i asked her was “ what gets you up in the morning”. Rachel responded with knowing I’m going to school so I can improve my education and get a good job so I can be successful in the future. The next question we picked was “ if you could do whatever you wanted – what would that be ?”. She responded by saying ,being able to sleep all day and have a personal chef who would be able to cook for her all the time, As well as be able to make money in her sleep, in other words passive income. I also asked her the question “ describe your perfect partner” . She responded with “he would be tall, good with kids, be able to cook and have similar opinions on some topics”. We answered two more questions which were “ who would you lie for and whom wouldn’t you lie for”. Rachel said anyone really it would depend on the situation and the circumstance. FInally the last question we answered was “ what was the best moment you had with your parents? What was the worst one? “. We both agreed that the worst ones would have to be when we are in an argument with our parents. The best moments would be when we occasionally have family dinners. 

4 thoughts on “Interview Questions

  1. I wish for the same If I could do whatever I wanted. Sleeping all day really is the dream life without having to get up and make food or money, you can do nothing but lay in bed and it just sounds great

  2. My group and I had a lot of similar answers to you guys! I like what you said about there being no such thing as a “perfect partner” and how a person can just be perfect in your eyes. I find it so cool that you were able to get those certifications while in high school. I love doing my nails and I recently got all the materials to do gel manicures. I definitely do not have a certification in it though!

  3. I really admired when you said A person who listens and pays attention to important little details. But who also pushes you out of your comfort zone and makes you try new things. I think that you really emphasized the balance between someone who appreciates you as a whole and your growth.

  4. I have similar opinions as our classmates and I have similar views of the idea of the perfect partner. The explanation of Michelle’s concept of the perfect partner resonates with me because a lot of people don’t usually think about a relationship or someone else in that certain way.

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