Interview Questions

Question 1- What has been the most difficult conversation for you ?

For me I would say that the most difficult conversation for me is probably the talk about marriage with people of my culture. I come from a culture where people expect you to get married at an early age, say 19 to about 22, 23. It is encouraged that we get married early and have kids early because if not, then a man won’t want to get married to me because I am older than the age where it is the most ideal for me to settle down with someone for the rest of my life. I don’t really like having this conversation with people of my culture because I feel that I want to accomplish the majority of what I want to achieve in life before I even think about settling down. My parents don’t really bombard me with this conversation. They usually start talking about the topic if I bring it up, which is kind of a stress reliever for me. I also think that some men can be scary which is why I want to take my time before getting married without having people come up to me about the issue.

Question 2 (for my partner) – Describe your perfect partner ?

My partner had stated that her perfect partner is someone who has a pretty much almost ideal sense of humor. She stated that she wants to laugh with the person, she wants to have funny inside jokes with the person, she wants them to kind of be like kids with each other. She wants to be able to provide for that person and vice versa, she also wants to be someone that the person can rely on anytime when needed.

One thought on “Interview Questions

  1. I think it is very important for a perfect partner to be someone who you can easily laugh with and be comfortable around. In my culture, we are also expected to get married at an early age (anywhere from 18-22). If a girl is not married by 22, she is looked down upon and harder for her to find a spouse.

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