The Intriguing Interview With Ashley

My name is Myron De Bond and the thing that motivates me to wake up in the morning is my faith in Christ. I believe that faith is the very thing that drives everybody in society and that doesn’t always have to be faith in the “divine.” Some people’s faith can lie in money or something like their grades, to then advance their life for the better. My belief in God is the thing that allows me to be motivated for success and to do the things necessary for my inherited purpose on this earth.

I interviewed Ashley, and if she could have any superpower it would be teleportation for the main purpose of acquiring food. When I thought of this question, that power did not even cross my mind but hearing her answer I was able to realize how beneficial this power can be. We went on to talk about how this can be used to travel the world and I was able to learn about Ashley’s ethnicity which is Vietnamese.

One thought on “The Intriguing Interview With Ashley

  1. I would also take the superpower of teleportation because it is super convenient in whatever you are doing and saves lots of time. Seeing how you could never be late for anything and you could go anywhere.

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