Interview Questions with Daler

The interview question I asked Daler was, what do you look forward to the most? His answer was to pass all his classes this semester. Fair enough, I’ve had a couple of instances where I’ve struggled to scrape by some of the classes I’ve had in the past. Sometimes, I’ve genuinely had a problem where I just can not comprehend the subject material the professors have provided. When you start to fall behind the class, it’s an even worse feeling because you are expected to learn at a constant pace and you feel dumb for not understanding what you’re learning. 

who doesnt like looking at a guy smiling.

Hello, my name is Evan and the sole thing I look forward to the most is the completion of my favorite show of all time, “Attack on Titan”. The last episode should drop around the time of fall so it’s pretty soon. After that, I can probably die happy and satisfied. Other than that, I look forward to making loads of money so I can retire at 20 years of age which is next year (I’m 19). I just hope retirement is even an option in the future because statistically, the age of retirement has been increasing. I just want to be happy and the people around me to be happy without the concern about money. Also, if anyone says that money doesn’t buy happiness that’s cap. My wallet’s been violated by required textbooks so wish me luck getting my retirement next year. 

3 thoughts on “Interview Questions with Daler

  1. Finishing a show after devoting so much time watching it has got to be the best feeling ever. Definitely agree with you on the money statement too, my wallet has never seen such a downfall since MetroCard fairs increased to $2.90.

  2. I also agree with your statement on money does equal happiness because by having a lot of money you never need to worry about working, or doing anything like work, and with a lot of money you could retire early and enjoy your life doing what you want to do.

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