Intelligence Summary & Survey

Issac Asimov took an aptitude test in the army and scored an astounding 160 against a normal of 100. The soldiers made a fuss about it but at the same time, does that mean Asimov is more intelligent than all his peers? Or does it mean he is just good at intelligence tests made by people with similar intellectual bent? When his car broke down, Asimov would always send it to his auto-repair man who, by Asimov’s estimate, could not have possibly scored more than an 80 on the aptitude test. So, what if the auto-repair man made a test consisting of car mechanic questions? Asimov would most probably not get a high score. My definition of intelligence is the ability to reason, acknowledge, and solve. My definition would probably fit in with Asimov’s narrative. Although the auto-repair man may not be academically gifted, he has the ability to reason, acknowledge, and solve whatever problem Asimov has with his car. I myself don’t think I have many talents and strengths but I do have an interest in video games such as Valorant. It’s kind of like 3D chess but the skill sets required are very different compared to 2D chess. Valorant may not be as mentally challenging as chess but communication skills are almost guaranteed to be required if you want to win. 

In the Multiple Intelligence survey, my results were somewhat accurate but with some personality traits I definitely do not have. I am mostly intrapersonal, which is basically being able to distinguish among my own feelings. However, apparently, I am bodily/kinesthetics which is definitely not true at least most of the time. However, I think I know why my results were so-so because during the survey I had a lot of “only in those situations” moments. For example, I am not kinesthetic because I do not participate and enjoy in any activities involving active exercise or bodily movements and I sit on my butt all day playing video games. However, when it comes to building computers I love working with electronics which would obviously require movement of the body. It’s kind of like adult Lego but instead of little blocks of Legos, you’re dealing with expensive computer parts. 

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