Describe an ideal day

To me, an ideal day starts off with waking up, getting a good workout in, and making a yummy nutritious breakfast. After that, I like to read a few chapters of a book and then if the weather is nice, go to the beach. I love the sun and ocean and I love to snack on some fruit at the beach. I would hang out with my friends and family and maybe even play a little volleyball. After, I would come home, take a nap, and go out for a nice dinner or stay in and watch a movie.

2 thoughts on “Describe an ideal day

  1. I definitely agree that an ideal day has the beach in it, I was away this summer and went to the beach almost every day and nothing really compares to that. Hanging out with friends and family is also one of my own favorite things to do in my free time.

  2. I believe that your ideal day is great, as it does involve going outside and having fun. I can also see that you are enjoying life to the fullest, which I think is great. I used to feel like playing sports with my friends and having fun was the best thing that life had to offer.

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