About Me/ Interview Assignment

My name is Maya Serieh. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. The question I chose to answer was “What would you like to accomplish this semester?” I think the main thing I would want to improve about myself this semester would be my time management skills, as well as my terrible habit of procrastination. All my life I have been a procrastinator and always worked well under pressure, but I think it’s time I stopped that habit and began to do my work ahead of time instead of the night before or sometimes even the hour before it’s due. Another thing I would like to accomplish/ improve this semester would be my writing skills. I would like my essays to flow from one paragraph to the next and be less choppy. Growing up as a writer was hard for me, I always suffered from writer’s block, but once I got past that phase I would be able to write my essays in an hour depending on the topic. I look forward to finding ways to improve these habits over the course of the semester and become a better writer for both myself and my future.

The person I had the chance to interview today was Elana. Elana and I spoke about if she could have one superpower, what it would be, and why. She chose the ability to read others’ minds. She believes this is the best superpower given that she can know what anyone is thinking at any given time. We also spoke on the idea of being able to understand people better by reading their thoughts through their minds rather words. We also touched on the idea of how it can be to both our advantage and disadvantage to know what people are thinking without it actually being said out loud.

One thought on “About Me/ Interview Assignment

  1. I can relate to you with the procrastination because I tend to do the same thing. I also want to stop because the workload is completely different and it’s more time consuming. You and Elana had an interesting point about mind reading, I never thought about it in the aspect of understanding people better because of their thoughts rather than what they write.

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