Interview Questions

My interviewee- I spoke to Ariel. I asked who her hero was and she answered that her hero is her mom because she’s a really resilient person who she really looks up to. She has another hero, a famous singer IU because her songs really encourage her. Ariel is Korean, and she lived there for 5 years when she was younger. Her favorite thing about living in Korea was the food and transportation. During our conversation we noticed work is very important for the both of us because we watched our parents raise us working very hard so we would love to be able to give back to them in the future.

Myself: Where would you like to go in the world and stay for a year? Why? I’ve wanted to go to Iceland since I was younger. The main reason I wanted to go at first was to see the Northern lights because they look really pretty and I would like to experience it in person. I would also like to go see the waterfalls and lagoons there. From what I’ve seen it looks like a really calm environment with a lot of beautiful natural landscapes. I’ve also heard that there aren’t any mosquitos there so that would be huge plus when it’s warm to not have to worry about that.

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