2 thoughts on “Importance of Plantains

  1. I loved your zine. It gives a qualitative insight into how food connects us. Food helps connect people to culture and heritage. Some foods are separated by class in the West Indies/Caribbean plantains are not one of those foods. Here, you talked about you and your friend coming from different places but sharing the connection of plantains. It’s the same in Jamaica; they are a nutritious and affordable food source. I wholeheartedly agree about the importance of food and ingredients to the diaspora, especially when speaking of plaintains. The only question I wanted to ask after reading this was: do you pronounce it plan-tain or “plan-tin”?

    1. Hi Peter

      Thank you for commenting on my zine! I really appreciate your thoughts on it! My family is from Jamaica, so I pronounce it as “plan-tin”. I assume we pronounce the word the same, am i correct?

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