Thinking of Applying to Graduate School? (Event Recap)

As a psychology undergrad student, depending on what year you are in, you’ve probably found yourself feeling quite lost when thinking about what career paths are available for you after graduation. This was exactly how my friends and I felt during our first two years of college. However, as you start to take more advanced courses and get some experience, you might find that your worries will shift (not entirely go away!) to now thinking about how to apply to grad school. Continue reading “Thinking of Applying to Graduate School? (Event Recap)”

An Act of Kindness a Day Keeps the Sadness Away

“An apple a day keeps the doctors away” is a well-known saying that emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet for the body but what about a healthy diet for the mind? It’s easy to neglect the needs of others around us when we are so busy and caught up with our own lives.

Now that midterms week is over, we have more time to devote to not only our loved ones but strangers as well. Woah, strangers danger, right? Or what do I get in return? Well, what if it doesn’t have to be that way anymore? What if we could change the way that we view the world with our actions? You may be slightly confused right now but keep reading. It gets good or at least decent. Continue reading “An Act of Kindness a Day Keeps the Sadness Away”

Additional Resources/ Internship Opportunities

UP Scholar Publishing Website:

PSY 5030 – Research Practicum in Psychology:

Internship Opportunity Class PSY 4035- Dr. Harvey Barocas:

(check CUNYfirst)

This course is designed to introduce students to community psychological services. Students are given the opportunity to supplement their classroom experience and to work under supervision in a variety of field placements, including psychiatric hospitals, day care centers, geriatric facilities, rehabilitation centers, agencies serving physically and/or mentally handicapped, recreational facilities, community mental health centers, drug and alcohol programs, correctional facilities, and outreach projects. All students will devote four hours per week to their field placement and also participate in a weekly one-hour seminar at the College. This weekly seminar will be the focal point for bridging the gap between theoretical material and field work experiences.

Paid Research Programs at Baruch

  • National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Baruch College: This program provides concentrated research experience in which each student plans and executes an independent project, and works with a faculty mentor and their research team on existing research projects. Students will develop knowledge and skills in all phases of psychological research, including hypothesis development, research design, data analysis, and scientific writing. Students will present their research at the Baruch REU conference and potentially at regional or national conferences in psychology. Students will also learn about the graduate school admission process,  how to build one’s credentials through research and practicum experiences, the GRE, soliciting letters of recommendation, and applying for fellowships. A stipend of $4,200 is provided as well. Click here for more information!
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation is an NSF-funded program that offers faculty members at Baruch College an opportunity to become a mentor for an eligible and qualified student (undergraduate, graduate or Ph.D.) who is majoring in any of the following departments/disciplines: Economics, Computer Information Systems, Statistics, Actuary Science, Mathematics, Psychology, Financial Engineering (MFE), and Biology or Natural Sciences. Eligible students who are awarded a research assistantship will receive a stipend ranging from $1000 to $6000 per academic year as well as a chance to present their research at national and international conferences. Research assistants will experience the privilege of working under the guidance of a Baruch faculty member in their respected discipline while engaging their intellectual curiosity and satisfying their thirst for discovery. Click here for more information.
  • CUNY Pipeline Program (pursuing doctorate only) is a CUNY-wide initiative designed to provide educational and financial support to CUNY undergraduates from groups currently underrepresented in our nation’s universities who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in preparation for college-level teaching and advanced research. The  Pipeline fellows receive stipend payments totaling about $6,000 throughout the course of the program as they complete certain milestones. This is a year-long program that includes several components: a Pipeline Summer Institute (PSI), monthly colloquia, research project and a research conference. Here is more information!




Volunteer Research Opportunities at Baruch

Below are links to all the current psychology labs at Baruch:

Diversity Lab:

Dynamic Learning Lab:

Emotions In Organizations:

Everyday Problem Solving Lab:

I/O Psychology and Measurement Lab:

Interpersonal Processes Lab:

Leadership and Motivation Lab:

Sleep Lab/Environmental Psychology Lab:

Social Cognition Lab:

Social Perception Lab:

Social Psychology Lab:

Technology on Consciousness and Socialization Lab:

Occupational Health Psychology Lab:

What’s Psi Chi?

Baruch’s Psi Chi Chapter is a merit-based community for students in the field of psychology. Psi Chi International Honor Society is the largest student psychological organization and is affiliated with the American Psychological Association.

Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was founded in 1929 with a mission to encourage excellence in scholarship and advance the science of psychology. More than 700,000 lifetime members have joined in this worthwhile cause including Distinguished Members such as Drs. Albert Bandura, B. F. Skinner, and Phillip Zimbardo. A few popular Membership Benefits include international recognition for academic excellence, as well as access to our three publications and more than $400,000 in annual awards and grants.


  • Psychology major or minor
  • cumulative GPA in the top 35% of your class
  • at least 3 semesters of full-time college coursework
  • at least 9 semester hours of 3000 level psychology courses at Baruch
  • at least a 3.5 GPA in your Psychology courses



Applications to Psi Chi are submitted online. To submit your application:

  1. Go to click “Apply for Membership!” at the homepage, bottom right)
  2. Read the qualifications for application and select APPLY NOW
  3. Choose [Baruch College, CUNY] from the Local Chapter drop-down menu and fill out the application including your name, e-mail address, and student ID No.
  4. At the bottom of the page, check the box authorizing the faculty advisor to review your college records to determine eligibility
  5. Add your Name/Signature and select SUBMIT


One-time membership fee:

If you are application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to submit your one-time membership fee of $55. NOTE: Students can apply for their fee to be sponsored by the Psychology Department. The instructions on how to apply for sponsorship will be sent to you upon approval of your membership application!


The DEADLINE to be inducted for the Spring Semester is February 21st! Don’t delay!

If you are unsure that you meet all the requirements, we suggest that you submit an application anyway and our advisors will be in contact with you to let you know which requirements you don’t currently meet.