Paid Research Programs at Baruch

  • National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Baruch College: This program provides concentrated research experience in which each student plans and executes an independent project, and works with a faculty mentor and their research team on existing research projects. Students will develop knowledge and skills in all phases of psychological research, including hypothesis development, research design, data analysis, and scientific writing. Students will present their research at the Baruch REU conference and potentially at regional or national conferences in psychology. Students will also learn about the graduate school admission process,  how to build one’s credentials through research and practicum experiences, the GRE, soliciting letters of recommendation, and applying for fellowships. A stipend of $4,200 is provided as well. Click here for more information!
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation is an NSF-funded program that offers faculty members at Baruch College an opportunity to become a mentor for an eligible and qualified student (undergraduate, graduate or Ph.D.) who is majoring in any of the following departments/disciplines: Economics, Computer Information Systems, Statistics, Actuary Science, Mathematics, Psychology, Financial Engineering (MFE), and Biology or Natural Sciences. Eligible students who are awarded a research assistantship will receive a stipend ranging from $1000 to $6000 per academic year as well as a chance to present their research at national and international conferences. Research assistants will experience the privilege of working under the guidance of a Baruch faculty member in their respected discipline while engaging their intellectual curiosity and satisfying their thirst for discovery. Click here for more information.
  • CUNY Pipeline Program (pursuing doctorate only) is a CUNY-wide initiative designed to provide educational and financial support to CUNY undergraduates from groups currently underrepresented in our nation’s universities who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in preparation for college-level teaching and advanced research. The  Pipeline fellows receive stipend payments totaling about $6,000 throughout the course of the program as they complete certain milestones. This is a year-long program that includes several components: a Pipeline Summer Institute (PSI), monthly colloquia, research project and a research conference. Here is more information!