CocOil Paradise

December 8, 2014, 7:32 am
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The first store will be located in the heart of a metropolitan area in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Majority of the traffics are office staffs from local neighborhood, and college students. There are approximately 600 thousands of traffickers in this neighborhood each day with more than half actually working there, making it the Time-Square of Indonesia. Accessibility to the neighborhood has never been an issue, since there are tons of public transportation available and many spacious parking lots.


(Maps of Kuningan, Jakarta)


location 2

(The Main Road)


Where we are:

2 blocks away from the main street.



There are numerous of businesses and restaurants nearby. Limited access of street parking, but there are spacious parking lots 1 block away.


Sooner or later, this road will be closed from private vehicle access, and will be used as pedestrian ways.



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