I like goofy titles to get you to read. Call it a Brady Bunch-ilicious rhetorical device. You guys and gal may be too young to know the show (or episode), but I think the professor gets my drift. That said, this:
In order to compose documents in such a way that readers can use them to make something else, there needs to be a clear format. There is no room for ambiguity with formatting. If we want people to mimic our rhetorical style, there must be a style and not slop. Furthermore, to compose with recomposition in mind does not mean to compose something with plagiarism in mind. A work that is used to create something else should actually create something else. I don’t like the idea of people taking credit for my words, but I don’t mind them mimicking my format or reforming my words. People are creative enough to do their own work which is original. I don’t mind pushing people in the right direction. I do mind if they steal my ingenuity. The following is an example.
In order to compose my campaign writing for strategic recomposition, I could give a certain template to use, allowing others to put in their own information. I believe people should do original work; however, by offering examples and templates to use, I may aid someone in mimicking my rhetorical style, while not encouraging plagiarism. With my campaign piece in particular, I could encourage others to devise a mental health campaign using the same format and style I used. Perhaps we could swap stories regarding the mentally ill to enhance each others’ work. Sharing the same template would allow us to strengthen our work as we see the well done work of others with the same passion. Maybe there is something in my campaign that is broke and needs fixed. Having others work on their own pieces with said template could strengthen my piece as I see the creativity of others.
How might this play out practically, For instance, in my second campaign piece, I give a speech about mental health awareness. I first give my story. This includes dealing with the disorders and also with people opposed to me as I dealt with them. I then speak of the ubiquity of mental illness. Finally, I give a call to others to educate the ignorant and to be compassionate to sufferers of mental illness. Everyone’s story is unique, so I would encourage everyone in their uniqueness; however, I like how my speech flows, so I would encourage others to use the template I used, namely, give a story followed by underlining the vastness of mental illness and finally the call to compassion and eradicating ignorance. Everyone is unique, so it would be fun to see what others would come up with or how they would say things!
As it says in the post that “in order to compose documents in such a way that readers
can use them to make something else, there needs to be a clear format”, a work with
clear topic and good structure will make more sense to readers and therefore much
easier for them to recompose by utilizing the structure or format. I totally agree with
the idea that mimicking the format or structure and reforming the words to come up
with a new work should be encouraged while not plagiarism. Also the idea of
providing a template to use will be good for beginners to do a strategic recomposition.
However, I do think that sometimes providing a too specific template may limit the
thinking space of the writer. Rather than that, we may include some questions in the
note section to guide readers about how they can do a brain storm to recompose their
own work by referring to the article. By this way, we can direct the readers on the
right track while still encouraging them to do enough thinking.