The Ramayana and Odyssey have several similarities and differences. Both stories have a protagonist who is a hero: Rama and Odysseus. The main similarities between Rama and Odysseus is that they both get separated from their wives and take a long journey to get back home. The difference between both of their situation is that Odysseus leaves his wife and home for the war and Rama gets separated from his wife and home by a force. It makes the story slightly different from each other towards to the end. Rama gets back to his wife who was stolen by Ravana while Odysseus just gets back home to his wife. In the Ramayana, relationship plays a big role. When Rama’s wife Sita was with Ravana, she tries to commit suicide because she gets depressed after hearing Ravana’s words. She realizes that she can hang herself with her long hair on a tree, but she begins thinking about if it is right to do as a wife of Rama and a daughter of the city ruler, King Janak. It shows the strong relationship between Rama and Sita; Sita changes her mind not to commit suicide and Rama comes to rescue Sita. In the Ramayana, each character deals with individual conflicts. Rama says, “Tell me what I must do. I will obey my father even if he wishes me to drink poison and die.” It shows that he is very loyalty to his father. Rama conflicts with himself because of his loyalty to family, “My heart knows that Sita is pure. Yest my subjects force me to renounce my devoted wife for a second time.” It shows that loyalty plays in a role within himself. For Sita, she has a conflict with people from outside. She is fooled and naive.
2 thoughts on “The Ramayana”
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I agree with the notion that both stories have the same fundamental scheme. I believe they have a strong resemblance in endings and plot as you said, both separated from their wives and home. As result they must fight to reclaim their wives and once again be the leaders of their land. An important aspect to the differences is obviously the region and idealism the stories are written. The Odyssey has more of a rugged plot were as the Ramayana has more of a idealistic and representative plot.
Odysseus doesn’t just choose to go back home, he was held captive too by Calypso. He is released with the help of Athena. I find it interesting that in The Odyssey it was a guy that was held captive by a woman and in the Ramayana, it was a woman who was held captive by a man.