Isabel Allende, “And of Clay Are We Created”

–What do you think the significance of Allende’s title is? What does it mean to be made of clay? –

-What happens to Rolf in his encounter with Azucena?

–Why do you think Azucena becomes a symbol of the tragedy that is unfolding in the story?

–What did you make of the President’s visit to the site of the disaster? What kind of commentary is Allende making here?

–How can you connect this story with your own experiences of natural or other disasters? Are there elements of the story that you can relate to? How?

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12 Responses to Isabel Allende, “And of Clay Are We Created”

  1. s.mccalpin says:

    What happens to Rolf in his encounter with Azucena?
    Through Azucena, Rolfs own fears and horrors of his childhood is uprooted as he sees the young girl trapped in the deadly palms of the earths core, as himself. A young man that was once trapped in his own tumultuous, catastrophic upbringing during the war. Seeing the young girl in this dire situation has uprooted Rolf’s feelings that he has for decades tried to bury and forget, however his interactions with Azucena forces him to confide in her and express many of the dark periods of his life.

  2. Jean says:

    Why do you think Azucena becomes a symbol of the tragedy that is unfolding in the story?
    Azucena is a reflection of both the tragedy of Rolf’s life but also of the events that has occurred during the story. There is suffering and pain that the locals are going through during the time following the volcanic eruption. Yet nothing can be done, all that is being done is the reporting of the tragedy. Azucena is dying and suffering but cannot be saved, much like the tragedy that has happened around her, along with Rolf. Rolf’s life is burdened by the tragedy that has happened in his past and he cannot escape them. All that is being shown is the “vulture” like behavior portrayed by the media, scavenging as much content and information from the birth of tragedy.

  3. Richard Sam says:

    What do you think the significance of Allende’s title is? What does it mean to be made of clay?

    The title, “And of Clay Are We Created” represents a significant reference to a biblical meaning which links to the creation of Adam and Eve. This story, had a significant meaning because Azucena is seen killed by a volcanic eruption covered in ash and clay, which is similar to the way one is created. I think the importance of Allende’s title is to exemplify one’s importance to leave an impact on another but also send the message of creation. The same way one is created, is the same way one dies. In the story Allende sends another message to the audience when the media focuses on the scenario of the situation. Despite actually sending help to Rolf and Azucena, the media watches their situation and witnesses the death of a girl.

  4. d.patterson1 says:

    Why do you think Azucena becomes a symbol of the tragedy that is unfolding in the story?

    Azucena’s helplessness, and her isolation are a target for the imaged spectacle of the news media. She fulfills a thematic role that represents the “tragedy.” Flopping, alone, struggling to survive, held up only by a tire given to her from Rolf but not saved by any outsiders. Like people waiting on top of rooftops after Katrina, she is the object of the camera as an example of post destruction isolation. The tremendous resources spent on creating the news, described in detail in the resources and cameras brought out, cannot be divided into the resources needed to pump her free. Rather, the power of the image suppresses our intuition to save and makes the viewer become as helpless as Azucena, while distracting us from the social inequities that allow the poor to be the victims of such natural disasters in the first place.

  5. c.colavito says:

    Why do you think Azucena becomes a symbol of the tragedy that is unfolding in the story?
    Azucena was the main symbol of the tragedy because of how young and helpless she was being trapped and her eventual tragic death . The media took full advantage of this because her situation was heart wrenching and reached out to many people. The media often will exploit situations of a tragedy for profit and viewership.

  6. a.malik5 says:

    What do you think the significance of Allende’s title is? What does it mean to be made of clay?

    It’s a reminder that we too will die one day and this is the truth that allows Rolf to let go of Azucena. It also allows him to go back into his life and take on what troubles him about his relationship with his sister. It helps puts life in perspective and to remind us to do what ever is important to us. To do it quickly because we don’t know how much time we have.

  7. Judith says:

    What happens to Rolf in his encounter with Azucena?

    When Rolf encounters Azucena, the image he creates for the news media falls apart in front of the Narrator and the readers. Rolf is described to be a reporter who continues to keep his composure and detach himself from the situation happening around him once the camera is on him. After he tries relentlessly to save Azucena from the pit he begins to trie himself physically and mentally. As he communicates with Azucena, he begins to remember bits of his past.

  8. –What do you think the significance of Allende’s title is? What does it mean to be made of clay? 

    To me, it means we humans have the same origin, no matter where we come from, genre, nationality, class status, age, we also share the same ending. In that order of ideas, I think the title relates to the fact that we all share the same type of emotions, feelings, challenges even though are circumstances might differ, and the best example is what happens with Rolf and Azucena, they are so different and yet share a strong connection, Rolf identified greatly with Azucena because everything that happened to her reminded him of his past.

  9. r.hoffmann says:

    What do you think the significance of Allende’s title is? What does it mean to be made of clay? –

    Immediately when I hear anything relating to being made of clay I think of a biblical reference. Many times I have heard that God molded man from clay so this is usually the first thing that comes to mind when hearing made of clay. Another thing that comes to mind is that it signifies people can change. In other words people are molded from clay and can be molded into new things. For example in the story Rolf reopens repressed childhood memories and comes to terms with what has happened. This signifies molding himself into a new person and although her ripped open wounds like you would rip open a piece of clay he molded it back together and eventually they will heal just like folding over clay in the palm of your hand.

  10. How can you connect this story with your own experiences of natural or other disasters? Are there elements of the story that you can relate to? How?

    Natural disasters or any disaster can happen at any moment in time and with the power of media we get to engage visually with a screen. When viewing any disaster such as a school shooting or attack of terror we feel helpless as we solemnly watch things unfold. Personally when seeing such a disaster erupt I can’t bare to have a feeling of security and relief, to imagine something like that going on but you’re safe I feel horrible and only hope for a positive outcome. The elements I can connect are that of Eva Luna as she can only watch her loved one Rolf be a part of the disaster that’s currently going on. She is helpless but can’t keep her eyes off the screen and in reality that seems to happen, we can only watch wishing we could do so much more.

  11. l.qi says:

    What do you think the significance of Allende’s title is? What does it mean to be made of clay?
    As my claasmastes said , it refers to the proverb: we are all made of the same clay” , which in this story means that we are not only share the same orgin or humanity, but also share the mortailty. In other words , pepole in the world are similar to each other to a great extent.

  12. j.dutan says:

    What do you think the significance of Allende’s title is? What does it mean to be made of clay?
    The significance of the title is to give reference to the story and to show that people come from the same place and the only thing that differentiate are social constructs. She wants to unify people through this title.

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