Author Archives: h.xu3

Posts: 3 (archived below)
Comments: 15

Modernism in visual art


Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes was a French artist and he also was a writer. He was born in Montpellier and died in Saint-Jeannet. He was very enthusiastic about Dada events which is an art movement that seeks to discover the true reality by abolishing traditional forms of culture and aesthetics. The artists expressed their despair for bourgeois values and World War I through anti-aesthetic works and protests. Georges is one of them and he contributed a lot in modernism art.

The art that I present is called Silence. As you can see it is a machine picture created in 1915. During this period, World War was happening and most of the countries have begun to invest a lot of industrial production. This piece is obviously about what was happening in 1915. The first impression that I have is modern and it interested me due to its color. It consists of a very nice contrasting balance between the blues, orange and yellow. There is painted gears, shafts, wires, springs, chainsaws on the picture. Those all kinds of machines were painted in different colors. Although the colors are very bright, it is still suggesting that the forces of production have run amok.

During the World war, countries are committed to the development of industry.  Suddenly, a lot of factories were built up so people were forced to work for a long time. Under this movement, I can imagine that the Social atmosphere was boring, depressed and silence. People who work in an industry feel numb because they used to do same thing again and again. This piece shows us how the state of society looks like at that time and the dissatisfaction with excessive industrial development.

Not only the color attracts me, the shape in the art are also very diverse and organized. As you can see, this painting was characterized by strong geometric lines and shapes. There is triangle, circle, rectangular and different lines of various angles in the picture. The subject in the picture looks like they under arrangement so that It makes me feel neat and methodical. I think the author did this for purpose so he could create such an organized picture.

As I see, the color and shapes are making this picture become such a beautiful art. Every artwork has its value. We need to spend a little time to understand them. The tour of the museum has let me see many beautiful things and I really enjoy watching them.

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Art Club: Wax-Seal Stamp Making Workshop

I always enjoy making things by myself so I decided to go Wax-Seal Stamp Making Workshop and it is more interesting than I thought. To be honest, it sounds difficult for me to make at first. But after I follow the instructor step by step, it actually quite easy. All you need is some clay, some tool for shape, wax and an oven. First, we take a lump of clay and push it into a cylinder as more smooth as possible. Second, we draw the pattern that you like at the top of cylinder. Then you put it in the oven for about half hour. Finally, you can stamp it when the wax melt.

I drew a pig in the clay because it is my zodiac sigh. It is very hard to draw it perfectly but you can draw some simply pattern like smile face or love shape. That would be much easy to carve and stamp. As you can see in my picture, it is not easy for you can tell it is a pig but I have already tried my best. So, it is easy to stamp it when the pattern as simple as possible. That is my experience for someone who wants to try it for first time. Although the result is not very successful as I expect, I believe practice makes prefects. I believe I can do it better next time. The art workshop is very interesting and meaningful, I can learn something from it and really enjoy attending it.


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Hello everyone, my name is Huimin. I moved to New York a few years ago. Everything gets very hard at the beginning. First is the language because English is not the language that I used to speak. So I spent a lot of time on studying it. Second is the environment. I felt very strange when I first step into this city. I can’t even find my home at the first couple days because the construction of this city is totally different from my country. Third is people. They are from different kind of countries. I think it is a part of the reason that make this city so charming. People from different countries shares their own cultures. No matter at school or at work, I always get along with people from different countries. Especially at school, it is very interesting to talk to them and understand their culture. I was studying in LaGuardia before and this is my first semester in Baruch College.  I hope everyone can achieve their goal in studying at Baruch.

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