Ibsen, Hedda Gabler

–What motivates Hedda to encourage Lovborg to resume drinking?
–Discuss the role of Thea in the play? What function does she serve?
–What role does class play in Hedda Gabler?
–What does Lovborg’s death mean to Hedda?
–Do you feel sympathetic to Hedda? Why or why not?

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13 Responses to Ibsen, Hedda Gabler

  1. m.maryles says:

    What role does class play in Hedda Gabler?
    Hedda is clearly from a wealthy background, which makes her look down on her husbands aunt for not having as fancy things as she is accustomed to. Additionally the issue of money somewhat put s a strain on her and her husbands relationship. If from the beginning her husband had money possibly she would have actually loved him, instead of pretending.

  2. j.leedaly says:

    What motivates Hedda to encourage Lovborg to resume drinking?

    In Act Two, we are told of the secret relationship between Hedda and Lovborg years ago. While recalling the past, Lovborg admits that he believes Hedda had some sort of power over him that made him lovingly confess himself to her, telling her of the “drunken frenzy” he used to be in. However, when Hedda asks him “how could you do violence to your comrade in arms,” admitting her current resentment towards him. Lovborg replies in a scornful manner saying “why didn’t you shoot me dead,” which opens the door for Hedda to plant this idea in his head that he should commit suicide. Therefore, when Thea refused the glass of punch, Hedda persuaded Lovborg to take it by causing more emotional distress to him, in bringing up Thea’s panicky earlier state.

  3. k.zaman1 says:

    What motivates Hedda to encourage Lovborg to resume drinking?

    Hedda is very jealous of Lovborg because of Thea. she feels envy with the change of Lovbarg because when she was with him, he was alcoholic and unsuccessful but Thea changed him totally with the love from her. Hedda is very much try to control people around her but seeing Lovborg so organized and successful in life she feels sad and while on the other side her husband struggling to become successful whit his new book.

    • a.denis1 says:

      I completely agree. Hedda is unhappy in her marriage and is jealous of what Lovborg and Thea could become. I would also say that Hedda could be characterized as a golddigger. She not only longs for happiness but for success and wealth. She preys on Lovborg because they have history and also for the success of his books.

  4. What role does class play in Hedda Gabler?

    In the play Hedda Gabler, Social class is very important, Hedda Gabler likes to show off, Throughout the play she seems to belong to a higher class family because the way she behaves. Hedda is really hard to please, her husband gives him everything to please her, he brought the house because of her, and Hedda doesn’t event appreciate it. There is no love between hedda and her husband, they seem to come from different back brought, her hunsband its polite and open while hedda is arrogant and antisocial

  5. a.ferraro says:

    What motivates Hedda to encourage Lovborg to resume drinking?
    Lovborg was an alcoholic, but then when he met Thea she convinced him to stop drinking and now he has become a more professional and well kept man. Hedda is jealous that Thea had this effect on him and wants nothing more than to ruin their relationship. A great way to do that would be to have Lovborg drink and lose his new attitude and success that came from him being sober.

  6. l.osta says:

    –What motivates Hedda to encourage Lovborg to resume drinking?

    hedda’s jealousy towards the relationship of loveberg and thea have together. Hedda is jealous of thea’s power over loveberg since she got him to stop drinking and to settle down. she tries to derail his relationship between thea and loveberg because she misses him to an extent.

  7. a.carter1 says:

    What does Lovborg’s death mean to Hedda?

    Lovborg’s death means mental incarceration for Hedda, and yet somehow the action itself means beauty and courage to Hedda. It’s obvious that Hedda is a deranged character and that she’s unhappy. She claims to never have loved any of her suitors. She is not there for her husband emotionally and she amuses herself by creating chaos and stirring lies. She admires Lovborg for killing himself, to her this action is beautiful. Brack was privy to certain knowledge and was able to discover the truth about the pistols. He, with determination to be the “cock of the walk,” is also mischievous. Brack knows all the details behind Lovborg’s death and how Hedda plays the essential reason for his death. Her actions were mischievous, inconsiderate, and the means to Lovborg’s death.

  8. z.shao says:

    –What motivates Hedda to encourage Lovborg to resume drinking?

    Hedda is the daughter of the famous General Gabler.In the past, there was nothing she could not do, nothing she could not get. Growing up in such an environment gave rise to a strong sense of control over the people around her, and manipulating others became her pleasure. She felt very bored with Tesman and was not satisfied with her life. She was jealous of Lovborg and Thea, so she encourages Lovborg to resume drink. She wants to control his life and hope they are as unhappy as she is.

  9. c.caceres1 says:

    What does Lovborg’s death mean to Hedda?

    Lovborg’s death bought happiness to Hedda. Manipulating him when he was at a low point in his life to shoot himself due to the jealousy of Lovborgs success without her. Hedda was so delighted with herself that she called the death of Lovborg “Beautiful”. What Lovborgs death meant to Hedda was that if she wasn’t happy with her life, than nobody she knows should be happy without her influence.

  10. s.hossain9 says:

    –Do you feel sympathetic to Hedda? Why or why not?

    I do not feel sympathetic for Hedda at all. Hedda was cruel, delusional, deranged, and manipulative. She manipulated the lives of others to create enjoyment for herself. A character like this does not merit my sympathy. I understand what she was feeling and how she thought things through but it is not acceptable to act them out how she did.

  11. h.xu3 says:

    What does Lovborg’s death mean to Hedda?

    Hedda used to have a relationship with Lovborge and she stopped it because she knowas it would be a scandal. Hedda is very afraid of scandal and this fear pushed her to death. So we can image how hard she try to cover her scandal before her death. Hedda feels her scandal is not safe because his existence. So she persuades him to suicide so that she can keep her scandal safe. Loveborg’s death make her think he did a good thing because she doesn’t need to worry about her scandal being exposed and it is kind of a freedom for her.

  12. c.xanamane says:

    –Do you feel sympathetic to Hedda? Why or why not?
    No, I do not feel sympathetic for Hedda because she is very arrogant. She tries to be empowering and is very sympathetic herself. For example, she is very jealous of Thea and tries to get back at Lovborg. Another example, is when she tried to get Lovborg to drink again so he could go back to his alcoholic ways. She is very manipulative and does not care about anyone elses feeling. At the end, she decided to take the easy way out by killing herself.

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