Kafka, “The Metamorphosis”

–Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis?  Explain your response.

–How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

–At the end of the second section of the story, Gregor’s father pelts him with apples.  What do you think this episode is about?

–Gregor emerges from his room one last time when he hears his sister playing her violin for the lodgers.  What is the significance of this? What meaning does music hold for Gregor here?

–Ultimately, what do you think Gregor’s metamorphosis means?  What does it mean to be transformed into a giant bug?

–Explain your understanding of Gregor’s death.  How/why does he ultimately die?

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11 Responses to Kafka, “The Metamorphosis”

  1. z.shao says:

    –Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis? Explain your response.
    I think Gregor is more powerful before his metamorphosis. Before his metamorphosis, Gregor is most important person in his family because he is the only one who works. He has ability to support family expenses. And he can send his sister to the conservatory of music. Afterwards, when he changes and can no longer work, they become cruel and blame him for dragging the family. Gregor’s scare appearance and inability to communicate caused no one knows and cares what he likes about food and room furnishings.

  2. Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis? Explain your response
    I believe he is way stronger after his metamorphosis. Because he was working too much that he has no idea how important he was. He never realizes he was an important piece to everyone. While he was working he was blind, he was so focused on working that even their family wanted him because of the money. and after he became a bug, he was brave enough to say, I don’t wanna go to work. The lecture says, he was working for 5 years straight, and never had sick days, so it explains he was feeling alienated before even he became a bug, Becoming a bug was the turning point where he became physically a bug but mentally a human. so I believe he was more powerful after the metamorphosis because he has control over his thoughts.

  3. a.gorenstein says:

    Explain your understanding of Gregor’s death. How/why does he ultimately die?

    In the end, Gregor dies because he sees the burden he has placed upon his family and the anguish he is causing them. He knows they want him to die so he chooses to die on his own as opposed to his family having to get rid of him.

  4. j.leedaly says:

    -How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?
    Now that Gregor has become unable to work and therefore cannot provide for his family, they must undertake the role. His father becomes a doorman for a bank and, though he didn’t mind staying home while Gregor was working, seemed eager to work and always ready at the call. His mother became a seamstress for a shop and his sister was a salesgirl. The irony in this is that none of them had any inclination to work while Gregor was providing for them, but now that Gregor is unable to each family member had no trouble to find work for them.

    His sister, Grete, has also taken up the role in providing for the bug that is Gregor. Reluctant at first, she would take heed in his consumption of the foods she provided and accordingly adjust her meal preparations to his desires. Eventually, she also thought it would be helpful in moving the furniture in Gregor’s room, so that he could move more freely. She even got her fearful mother to help out.

    Gregor also noticed that his father changed too. After his mother’s fainting episode, when he tried to calm his father down, Gregor questioned “was that still his father?” He pointed out how weak his father always seemed when Gregor went off to work. Now, he was a working man and had no problem with getting rid of Gregor.

  5. m.maryles says:

    –Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis? Explain your response.

    I believe that Gregor is more powerful before his metamorphosis because prior to his metamorphosis, Gregor works and is the only one supporting his family. Whereas after his metamorphosis he is unable to work due to his new form.

  6. k.zaman1 says:

    –How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?
    Gregor’s family is not happy with his transformation. Before everyone relies on his financial support. After, he changed to a metamorphosis his family finds a lot of possible ways to earn money. They could have helped him reduce his unlike job pressure. Although they did it after Gregor transform a giant bug.

  7. a.carter1 says:

    At the end of the second section of the story, Gregor’s father pelts him with apples. What do you think this episode is about?

    I think this episode is about aggravation and frustration on Gregor’s father’s part. The father walked in and saw the scene of the mother lying unconscious, heard a scintilla of information about what happened, and jumped to rash conclusions. He assumed that Gregor had done something deliberately to hurt the mother and as a result threw apples at him to hurt him. This shows the father’s frustration. The fact that the father jumped to conclusions shows his lack of trust in the situation with his son and the apple pelting shows his anger and need to blame someone for his frustration.

  8. h.xu3 says:

    Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis? Explain your response.

    He is more powerful before his metamorphosis. Before his metamorphosis, he is a sale man and he is the only one who works in the family. He is taking care of the whole family. His mother treats him nicely and his sister is very close to him. He feels proud about himself because he could make his family have a good life. However, everything totally changes after his metamorphosis. He became very powerless and he even can’t walk himself. His father began to despise him and his mother stayed away from him. His sister is no longer talking to him. Suddenly, he became useless for the family and he was abandoned at the end.

  9. l.zhu5 says:

    –How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

    Before Gregor became a bug, his family valued him because he earned money to support his family in order to give them a good life. Also, Gregor was proud of that. However, when he became a bug, he could not work. His family thought he was useless and a “pest”. They were annoyed to see him.

  10. a.denis1 says:

    Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis?

    I think Gregor is more powerful before his metamorphosis. Before he metamorphosized Gregor was the families source of income. His success and accomplishments at work affected the families status. As an insect, Gregor became the black sheep of the family, useless. He was no longer the breadwinner and no longer played an important role in the families well being.

    • s.hossain9 says:

      What about the fact that he didn’t like his job or how his life was? I think that also demonstrates a type of powerlessness. In a way he transformed into a bug but saw his dream for his family become a reality. Literally he became powerless as a bug but metaphorically he achieved he became powerful be achieving his goal for his family.

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