Modernism in visual art

Interior with a young girl

Henri Matisse

Paris 1905-6

Henri Matisse 31 December 1869 – 3 November 1954 was a French artist, known for his use of color and his fluid and skilled worker. He was a printmaker, and sculptor, but is known primarily as a painter. Matisse is commonly compared with Picasso and Marcel Duchamp, as one of the three artists. Who helped to define the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades of the 20th century, responsible for significant developments in painting and sculpture. Although he was initially labeled a “Fauve” by the 1920s he established a pillar of the classical tradition in French painting. Matisse began to show his work in large group exhibitions in Paris in the mid-1890s, including the traditional Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, and his work received some favorable attention. He traveled to London and to Corsica, and in 1898 he married Amélie Parayre, with whom he would have three children. His mastery of the expressive language of color and drawing, displayed in a body of work spanning over a half-century, won him recognition as a leading figure in modern art(Wiki).

Henri Matisse’s “Interior with a young girl” was created in 1905-6 in Paris. This intimate scene of his daughter, Marguerite, reading into an of color—her hair is painted in nearly as many colors as the fruit in the front. she sits quietly, absorbed in a book pictured with bold marks and colorful, planes of opposing and often matching colors. The surrounding room and furniture need as much attention as do the sitting and objects in the front.

He selected a palette of bright colors, including many areas of white filled with color, creating an overall pretty effect and a flattened space, although one hamming with tension. To further flatten the scene, he has flipped the table, sloping it forward. This painting reminds the old brushwork with strong color. It drew my attention in a very basic way. I never dealt with paintings but this painting has a strong representation of realistic impression. In this painting, a young girl sitting at a table and reading a book. Beside the table, there is a bowl of fruits and she is reading very deeply. This is an activity of daily life. Henri used this painting as a strong message from our social life.

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One Response to Modernism in visual art

  1. JSylvor says:

    Kabiruz, This is a very sweet painting and a good example of Matisse’s early work. You can look online to see some of the more famous work he did later in his career. I’m wondering if we can see signs of his modernism here – I know you described the painting as “realistic,” but I think we can see something other than realism happening here. The subject is certainly realistic, but it is rendered in a way that is more impressionistic than true to life. Does that make sense?

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