William Wordsworth

–In what sense does “Tintern Abbey” offer readers a “religion of nature”? What are some of the specific ways in which nature works as a substitute for traditional religion?
–Why do you think Wordsworth gives “Tintern Abbey” such a precise and detailed sub-title? What is the significance of this poem’s full titile?
–In the final portion of “Tintern Abbey,” the speaker turns to his “dear friend.” Who is this friend and what role does he/she play in the poem?
–“Composed upon Westminster Bridge” and “The World Is Too Much with Us” are both sonnets. Why do you think a poet might choose to work with such a highly structured form?
–Describe some of the ways in which Wordsworth’s poetry conforms to some of the features of Romanticism that we’ve discussed. What evidence can you find to illustrate this?

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William Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience

1. Blake describes innocence and experience as “the two contrary states of the human soul.” What do you think he means by this?
2. Compare the mode of creation described in “The Lamb” with that of “The Tyger.” How are they similar? How are they different?
3. In “London” the speaker says he hears “mind-forged manacles” (line 8) What do you think that phrase means?
4. What differences do you see between the two “Chimney Sweeper” poems?
5. The introductory poem to Songs of Innocence refers to a poet/singer/piper who composes “…happy songs,/Every child may joy to hear.” To what extent does this line describe the poems in Songs of Innocence?

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Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

1. What aspects of women’s lives does Wollstonecraft seem interested in changing? Why?

2. Wollstonecraft quotes Pope’s famous line “Whatever is, is right.” How does she interpret this line? Does she agree with Pope?

3. Do you think women are still raised to be “pleasing”? Why or why not?

4. What does Wollstonecraft have to say about marriage? In her view, what would allow a woman to be a good wife and mother?

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Rousseau, The Confessions

 1.  What is the narrator’s purpose in writing these “confessions”?  How do you know?

2.  For Rousseau, what is the relationship between feeling and thinking?

3.  How does Rousseau describe his childhood?  What significance can we draw from this description

4. Why do you think Rousseau chooses to include the anecdote about stealing from his employer?

5. Using your own language, how would you describe the narrator, given his self-presentation in The Confessions?

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Alexander Pope, “An Essay on Man”

Alexander Pope, “An Essay on Man”

1. Pope describes the purpose of his poem as “to vindicate the ways of God to man.” What do you think he means by this?

2. Choose one metaphor that Pope uses to describe the universe and explain its significance.

3. What would it mean to believe that “whatever is, is right?” How would that affect one’s outlook or behavior?

4. According to Pope, what place do human beings have in the universe in relation to other creatures?

5. What questions are you left with about this text? What do you still not understand?

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Akinari, “Bewitched”

1. Why do you think Toyo-o continues to be involved with Manago even after he suspects that she is a demon of some sort?
2. Why do you think people (both in the 18th century, when Akinari was writing, and in our own day) are attracted to ghost stories or tales of the supernatural?
3. Does “Bewitched” have anything to teach its readers? If so, what? What is Akinari’s message in this text?
4. The text describes Manago as”bewitchingly voluptuous.” What does the character of Manago tell us about feminine beauty?

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Brief Introduction

I am kabiruz zaman. i am a transfer student from BMCC. My major is Accounting. i am happy to be in Baruch. I choose Baruch because it is the best CUNY business college.

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Small Intro

Hello everyone, my name is Shabab, I am a first semester transfer student from QueensBorough Community College (QCC). My intended major is accounting, I chose this major sometime during my sophomore year.

At QCC I was a Business Administration student. When starting college I had no real passion or direction in terms of what I would like to pursue and was suggested business by a few seniors. I thought that being a Business major would be me learning how to make a good sum of money so it was the major I selected. By my sophomore year I had a better understanding of what Business was, what the major encompassed, and I also had more direction in my own life. I took the second accounting course and heavily enjoyed it and the subject came to me naturally so I decided to pursue that as a career. This along with the fact that some of the business majors didn’t peak my interest, seemed a bit more difficult to me (not an enjoyable difficult) or seemed to cover material I could learn through other sources, all helped me decide on the accounting field.

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Hi, My name is ZhenZhen Shao. I transferred from BMCC. It is my third semester at Baruch. My major is Finance and plan to graduate next year.

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Moliere, Tartuffe

—  Discuss the theme of appearances or masks in Tartuffe?  How does the issue of appearances vs. reality connect with the central concerns of the play?

—  Discuss the role of Dorine, Mariane’s lady maid.  What kind of servant is she?  What role does she play in the action of the drama?

—  How is the institution of marriage treated in Tartuffe? What are some of the models or ideals of marriage that are raised by Moliere or his characters?

—  Describe the character of Orgon.  Why do you think he’s so vulnerable to Tartuffe?

—  Can you think of a contemporary example of the kind of religious hypocrisy exemplified in Tartuffe?

—  Describe one aspect of the play that seems very modern to you and one that seems very dated or old-fashioned.

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