Faith in humanity restored.

Hamlet encounters the ghost that claims to be his father’s spirit. The ghost states that he was murdered and the villain is the person who now wears his crown, Claudius. He advises Hamlet to seek revenge for him. Although the ghost said he is the father of Hamlet, we do not know for certain if the ghost is what it appears to be or whether it is something else. After the encounter with the ghost, Hamlet begins to question the reality of things around him and becomes doubtful of his very own perceptions. This triggered the main plot of the play that leads Hamlet to the idea of madness and vengeance.


“Hamlet: Whiter wilt thou lead me? Speak; i’ll go no further.

Ghost: Mark Me.” Page 673

Shortly after Polonius had fallen to Hamlet, Hamlet was ordered by Claudius to go New England where he was suppose to be put to death like a criminal. Yet Hamlet escapes death and heads back to Denmark, where he sees two men digging up a grave for Ophelias lifeless body. From that point its easy to say that Hamlet coming from hatred, revenge, madness character it made him get in touch with humanity where it triggered a little sympathy because when he killed Polonius he did not feel guilty or any sympathy. Hamlet seems peaceful, though also quite sad. He says that he feels ill in his heart, but  settled to the idea of death and no longer bothered by fear of the supernatural. Even in beginning of the duel with Laertes, Hamlet ask for forgiveness for killing his father Polonius. When Hamlet died in the end of the story he was buried as a solider. The death is neither heroic nor shameful. Hamlet  achieves his father’s vengeance, but only after being spurred to it by the most extreme circumstances: watching his mother die and knowing that he too, will die in moments. So from the encounter with the “ghost” to end Hamlet changes from a person who lost sense of human feelings filling it with hate and madness to remorseful and sympathetic, will you consider Hamlet a pyscho or an hero?