A Favorite Childhood Toy

If you’ve ever played with a Perplexus, then you might understand what this is. Back when I was in elementary school I made well a bootleg version of a Perplexus. Within a cardboard box, I made an obstacle course for a marble. It had all sorts of slides and corners and steps and stuff and you had to tilt, shake, and flip the box to help the Mable to the finish line. When I had utilized all available space within the box, I decided to poke a hole on the bottom of the box and taped another to its underside. The ball would drop through the whole and there was a little nook to capture it on the other side. You then had to quickly flip the box over so the marble does not fall out and could continue the path on the other side. Anyways I liked it, it was fun to play with, and I was really proud because I it with my own two hands.

About Me

My name is Stephany and I am from Italy. I am a Junior majoring in Digital Marketing and minoring in International Business at Baruch College.

I like to be creative and to learn something new every day. I speak three different languages which are Italian, English, and Spanish.

I love to travel and learn about each country’s art, food, and culture. I like studying in New York because there is always something to do, an exhibition, a concert, and an activity in the park which is very good for me because I am always looking for something to do.

Useless Product

This is a combination of two household items: A cup and forks. In class, I created a cup with forks attached to its side, designed to hold small snacks or appetizers. However, upon reflecting on the concept and discussing it with friends, I decided to make it worse by crafting the forks out of a sloppy, bendable material, like overcooked spaghetti noodles. The original design aimed for practicality, but the updated version renders the product even more useless and impractical.

Attached is a picture of the new, floppier, design:

And here is the original:

About me

Hello, I’m Diego Vio, a student eager to learn about product and web design. I am excited for this course and I’m currently working on several projects that this class will help me complete. Feel free to reach out regarding anything everybody!